Days to Come with Hiro

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Angela's POV

The next show was in Christmas on the 25th, which is two weeks away. During the break I've been spending time with Hiro mostly. He treats me nice and he even kinda spoils me. I would feel bad but he insisted. He's such a sweet guy and at home he's kinda soft when it comes to his cats. Also, we've been practicing our vocals, including mine since it kinda needs improvement.

So I was at his house since he has the equipment and stuff and Masa editing music. When we were done doing our vocals, Masa left, so now it's just the two of us alone. " throat holy shit." I said as my throat became raspy and I fell back on the couch. "You want water?" Hiro asked. "Yeah" I said. He threw me a water bottle and I catch it. After that, he fell on the couch next to me. "It's so tiring." I said laying my head on his shoulder. "I mean you should know." "I know but it gets tiring every time." I whined. He laughed. "It'll get better overtime. Just don't overwork yourself." "Ok" God he's such a caring person. I thought.

I ended up playing with his long slender fingers. I've always admired them and I don't know why. "I love your fingers." I said smilingly. "What the hell? You've been admiring them ever since we started dating." He said chuckling. "I know but I just can't get over it." He kissed the top of my head. "You know that I love you right?" Hiro asked. "Yeah I know. I'm just trying very hard to stay positive even after all the bullshit." I said. "At least I'm here right?" He pulls me closer to him. "Yeah." I melted in his embrace, until my phone rings. "Who is it?" He asked. "It's my mom. I just realized I haven't talked to her since I left for...well you know." I said. "Your so mean for not contacting your own mother." He said teasing me. "Shut up. I was busy." I playfully hit him. "But then again, I should've at least called her. I'll be right back." I got up and went to his room.

*conversation with Mom*
Angela ~ Hello?


Dang. I know I haven't called her for a month but damn she misses me that much??? I thought as I took the phone out of my ear.

Angela ~ MOM! Calm down ok? I'm sorry if I haven't called you. I just been busy

Mom ~ What you don't love me no more?


Mom ~ I'm playing with you baby


Mom ~ But how you been though?

Angela ~ I've been good, you?

Mom ~ I've been fine. Everyone's fine.

Angela ~ That's good.

Mom ~ So..since you haven't called me, what have you been up to?

Angela ~ Now I'm in Japan doing a tour and I'll come back by the end of it

Mom ~ You better come because I miss you

Angela ~ I miss you too. Well I gotta go. Love you and aren't you suppose to be sleeping

Mom ~ Shut up Angela I know

I laughed

Angela ~ Love you

Mom ~ Love you too baby. Stay safe.

I hung up.

Then I felt two muscular arms wrapped around my waist and his head on my shoulder. "How's your mom?" Hiro asked. "She's fine. She misses me tho." I said. He turns me around to face him. We gazed into each other's eyes. He leaned in to kiss me, and I let him. His lips is so soft like chocolate. (Why the fuck did I say that 😂) After 5 minutes, I pulled away. "I gotta go before the guys kill me." I said. As I was about to walk out of the door, he grabbed my wrist. "Wait...just one kiss?" He pouted. "Okay, just one." I went on my tippy toe to give him a passionate kiss and he kissed back. "Love you." He pecked my lips. "I love you too. Now rest with your muscular self." I said. "But I can't...not without you." "Shut up." I hit his chest playfully and went out of the door. That boy is crazy. But I love him anyways. I thought

I'll admit this is sweet.

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