Car Accident

26 0 0

Angela POV

I was driving back home from the recording studio. Ever since our album release, everything was going well. Now we have to start grinding again and work on more music. Hiro had to go back to Japan to record some music also, so we're both busy.

*nocturnal bloodlust ~ Exceed* 

I heard my favorite ringtone on my phone. I loved my baby's songs it's so intense, like something else 😏. I picked up my phone and j saw it was from San E. What? Why would he text me? I thought.

S ~ heyyy

I didn't want to reply to him but I also didnt want to him to think that I hate him cuz I don't. When I got to the stoplight, I decided to text him minutes later.

A ~ Hey

S ~ have you been?

A ~ I've been fine. Look I can't talk right now

S ~ Are you busy?

A ~ Yea

S ~ Then I'll just leave you questions so you can answer them later.

A ~ sure

I mean you can just ask me now so...

S ~ why did you act like that towards me at the store? I mean I understand what happened at my birthday when I was kinda being an ass about what we've been through, but at the same time I want us to be cool. Maybe not friends but at least, cool enough so theres no grudge or bad vibe between us. What did I do to you to deserve That?

When I read the message, I didn't know what to think. My head was spiraling and I didn't know what to say. So I just need to say something that just comes on top of my head.

A ~ because I kept remembering you and I just couldn't do it. What happened that night, I was being immature about it. It wouldn't be fair that I moved on and you didn't. It wouldn't be fair to wish pain and betrayal upon you. I don't want that. I am happy that you moved on, it's just I remember when you and I was like that before and I just couldn't handle thinking that it's not me.

I wonder what he's gonna say. Will he hate me because I'm thinking about him and not my boyfriend?


I immediately picked up my phone

S ~ look i understand. I sometimes wish I was there with you right now. But, remember what you said that night, it's so better if we just be friends. But I also think that it's becoming to hard for the both of why don't we just call it quits.

I ended up so confused.

A ~ what do you mean?

S ~ like let's not talk at all.

What the fuck? Why would you even consider That?

A ~ ...why?

S ~ your with a new guy, I'm with a new girl, us thinking about each other in a sense of when we were together before Is making our spouses suspicious, like we're cheating on them. I don't want that misunderstanding. It's better if we don't talk anymore.

I looked at my phone so pissed. Why the living fuck would you even consider That? Everything that I've done for you, you just gonna go and suggest tha----OH SHIT!!!! I realized that I wasn't paying attention to the road and my foot was still on the acceleration pedal. I was pissed when I was driving. When I noticed that i was passing the red light, cars were coming at me and this one car hit my side. My car started flipping over and over again until it stopped upside down. I was unconscious. I didn't know what to do. I started to fade away. I heard sirens and people screaming but all I know is that my eyes started to close.

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