Day Off Before Tomorrow

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Angela's POV
So...we finally landed in Japan, THANK GOD. Diana and Jason sleeping on my shoulder and I was just sleeping on the headset of my seat. I woke up from the sunrise hitting my eyes. I rubbed my eyes from sleepiness. I nudged both of them and said, "Hey guys. Wake up. We're here." Both groaned from tiredness, which I can understand. We waited until we landed, then we got out of the plane. Hours ago, I got a text from Hiro saying that they're gonna meet us in the airport.!

When we got inside, we were searching for them. Where are they? I thought. Then we saw two figures standing there. I squinted my eyes. It's that them? I thought. Then one of them waved at us. "I guess that's them. Come on let's go." I motioned everyone to follow me. When we got closer, I was mostly looking at their faces to see if it's him. I'm an observant person so it may look like I'm weird and it may look like I'm staring at them, but that's how I know a person. I checked face structure, body structure, his eyes even though he's wearing sunglasses. It's him. I thought. "Hey guys." I said smiling. "Hey Angela." Hiro said as he opened his muscular arms to give me a hug. I hugged him. "I missed you guys" I mumbled. "Me too." He said. We let go from grip. Then I went to hug Cazqui (guitarist). "How you guys been?" I asked. "We've been good." He said as I released him from my grip.

Diana was hiding behind me. I turned my head. "Girl are you ok? Come say hello." I said nudging her. She poked her head out and met both of their gazes. "Hello" they said in unison. "Hey" she said shyly. Aww she's cute when she's shy. I thought. " what?" I said to break the awkward silence. "Well...we're suppose to drop you to your house." Hiro said. "So shall we?" He asked. "Yeah sure." I said. We all walked together in separate cars.

Time Skip
After we fixed out stuff in our temporary house, we decided to hang out for a bit before rehearsal. Just taking a stroll around Tokyo. The city is pretty cool with my own eyes. Everything that I saw in pictures, I'm actually seeing. I love everything about it. I've never crossed a very big streetwalk but it was a massive amount of people. After we got tired of walking we decided to go eat in a restaurant. We wanted to go where we feel comfortable so we went to a ramen noodle place. (Lolz wtf). Mostly all of us ordered chicken ramen since we don't know any other flavor except that.

While we were waiting for our order, it was just silence until Hiro spoke up. "So how were you guys since we last met?" He asked. "Everything was fine. Thanksgiving was fine." Then something popped in my head. "Oh my god I forgot your birthday." I gasped. "I'm so sorry." I said. "Don't freak out its ok." He said. I exhaled in relief. (This story is just getting suckish every second). "So how's your boyfriend?" He asked curiously. I stopped drinking my water. Everyone on the table looked me waiting for my response. I froze for a minute and sat my drink down. "He's fine." I said with a small smile. "Are you guys ok?" He asked noticing that something is wrong. I got a little uncomfortable. I don't like telling other people my problems. Like I said, the only person I tell is Diana. "Stop asking questions, she might feel uncomfortable." Cazqui said nudging Hiro's arm. I chuckled. "It's ok Cazqui. We're fine though." I said. I saw Hiro's face turn into concern. It's like he can see through my lie. But I have to keep it going, I don't want to open up to him and then regret it later. I have to keep it to myself, for now until the end of tour anyways.

This sucks I know. But I haven't been thinking...a lot about this. Next part Ima try to make it good.

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