Talk With Mom

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San E's POV

Well....the EP "Season of Suffering" is completed and I'm so happy for the release. The people who are included, especially my crew, I'm grateful for them. I can't wait to share it to the world.

Coming home from Japan was exhausting. I had to leave without anyone knowing because it was that urgent to get the EP done. I'm sad that it was too late to get Angela back, naw I'm devastated. To see her with him kills me inside. I want her back so bad like you have no idea. I don't wanna do anything rash to sabotage her relationship. She broke up with me because of me. I could understand why and I already feel like an asshole every time I think about it. She's in a better mind thinking positive. I was friends with her before so I should be use to it by now.

I was relaxing in the comfort of my home. While I was watching sports until I heard a knock on my door. I sat up and got up to to open it. It was my mom. "Hey San." He greeted me with a hug. "Hey mom." I replied. I led her into my house so we can sit on the couch. "So where's Angela?" She asked. "Um...." I don't wanna lie to her, she doesn't know what happened but it's been long already so...I should tell her. "We broke up." I said. "Why? You guys were so good together and I loved the girl" she whined. I hesitated. "It was because of me." I said looking down. "What do you mean? What did you do?" She asked. "Well....I said that I don't love her anymore." She hits me in the back of my head. "You pabo!" She yelled. "Why the hell would you say that to her. I raised you better than that. I wanted her to be my daughter in law when y'all get married. But no, because of your stupid ass attitude, you just had to say that." She yelled. I couldn't blame her yelling at me. I lost the most perfect girl of my life. "I didn't mean it. I was stressed because of my ex." I explained. "But you don't have to take it out on her. She got nothing to do with what happened between your ex and you. You could've just told her the problem and knowing her for a short time, she would find out some way to help." She said. That is true.

"So what are you going to do?" She asked. "Well I went to Japan to ask her to take me back, but she was already with another guy." I said sadly. "Hmmm... Who is he?" "I think if I remember, his name is Hiro and he's in a band called Nocturnal Bloodlust." She searches up for him on her phone. "Ooh he's cute." She said. "Mama...." I whined. "Aye he is. And you shut up." She continued her search. "I guess he's not really an open person. There's barely anything about his background. Just his name, birthday, zodiac, position, and kanji. I mean I can understand that." She said.

"But gotta find a way to get her back." She said. "But how? She's already with him. She's happier's better if we're just friends." I said sadly. She hits me in the head again. "Oww. Was it necessary?" I asked rubbing the back of my head. "Aye you deserved it. I didn't raise you to give up didn't I? If you say you want her back, GET HER BACK. Don't just fucking sit her and sulk about it like a fucking sad dog." She said.

"Should I wait on how the relationship will go?" I asked. "I mean she's taken now. So might as well." She said. "Just wait for her. Don't rush." "Didn't you just rush me like seconds ago?" "Don't make me hit you again." "Ok ok ok I'm sorry. But your right. I will try to get her just takes time." "Exactly...well your dad and I are going out so I'll meet you later." She got up and hugged me. "Ok love you." "Love you too." I left the house and went to my car.

I sat down and thought about what she said. It does take time. I shouldn't rush it because if I do then I'll fuck up again. So I'll just have to be patient. I'll try to humble myself and see how it goes.

You know what? Fuck it. I feel like it gets suckier every time. But I'm trying to make it interesting

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