Back in Progress

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Jason's POV

So it's been days since our tour with Nocturnal Bloodlust. I will admit, they're the best band that we've ever toured with and I have no regrets whatsoever. They're really funny, sometimes immature, but cool people to hang out with. I'm happy that I've became friends with them with hesitation because we've looked up to them ever since young, so it's like a dream come true.

Angela and I decided to call the whole band together to finish the album. We all went to my house. We got everything that we needed, so now we just need the vocals. We still had an unfinished song ever since months ago so we decided to finish it tonight. Angela is still getting better at songwriting, but still needs a little help from me. So we decided to finish the song together.

After we finished the song, Angela came up to the microphone and started screaming. Her voice is different from before. I guess lessons from Hiro was worth it. He vocals is more gruesome and more brutal. That's exactly what we needed for the album. We didn't want it to be the same as Hiro's but somewhat a little hint of the girls voice and her own singing voice behind it.

After we got done with the vocals, it was already 11 PM so Andy, Rick, and Bryan said their farewells. We'll continue the album tomorrow. Now it's just me and Angela. She sat watching me edit everything since Andy's not the only one who can do that. She ended up sitting next to me. "This album is going to be a total success." She said with confidence. "I think so too." I said. "So how's Hiro?" I asked. "He's fine. He's finishing his album now and doing some live shows." I said. "Oh that's cool. When's the album?" "March 8th." "Wow...two more months. I can't wait to listen to it." "Well it's an album but more of do I explain this?" She said. I looked at her. "Like what?" "'s kinda like the greatest hits with four newest songs added. He revealed the name to me. It's called 'The Best 09-17'." She said. "Ahh...DANG I JUST REALIZED ITS 8 YEARS." I said shocked. "Yeah I can't believe it's that long too. But yea. And we started like in 2015. So not even close." She leaned back on the chair. "Yeah 2 years now." I said. She hummed in agreement.

She started yawning. "Do you want to go home?" I asked. "No I'm too tired. I don't want to get an accident when I drive tiredly." She chuckled a little bit." "Yeah we definitely don't want that." I said. "Yeah. Ima lay on the couch." She said and she went to the couch that she previously sat before, but this time, laying down. "Goodnight Angela." I said. "Goodnight." She fell asleep. I still gotta finish this song...only three more songs to go and then we're done. A little secret : the album will be released in the summer so that will give us enough time to finish. We don't know what happens after, but we'll just wait and see what 2017 have in store for us.

Next Day
Angela's POV

I woke up still in Jason's couch. I mean I shouldn't be surprised because I chose to sleep here. I was looking around for Jason and I saw him having his head down in front of the window. He's been working all night to make this song perfect, so he deserves some rest. I grabbed a blanket and put it on his back so he could be warm.

Then I thought of San E. I haven't talked to him since New Years, so I guess I should give him a call to see if he's doing well. I grabbed my phone from the couch and I called him. It's 11 AM here so it should be midnight over there. I waited till he picked up.

San E ~ Hey

Angela ~ Hey

San E ~ How you been

Angela ~ I've been good. U?

San E ~ Good.

Angela ~ So...I heard that your EP
came out.

San E ~ Yea weeks ago. Did you hear it?

Angela ~ Yeah I liked it. It seems that your happy while you were rapping.

San E ~ Yeah in almost every song.

Angela ~ I just wanted to call you to make sure your okay.

San E ~ Yeah I'm good. Thanks.

Angela ~ So what have you been doing lately?

San E ~ You know, the usual, interviews, live shows and whatnot. What about you?

Angela ~ I'm just finishing the album before the release in the summer.

San E ~ That's cool. I can't wait to hear it.

Angela ~ Yeah.

~awkward silence~

San E ~ So how's your relationship going, if you don't mind me asking.

Angela ~ It's been going well. We're
still figuring out when to meet in person and stuff despite everything that we have to do.

San E ~ Oh. That's cool.

Angela ~ Yeah. I sometimes have free time since I'm doing just the album now. I don't have any upcoming shows or anything. But he has upcoming shows, he has to finish the album, and do interviews and stuff.

San E ~ Oh. That seems a lot.

Angela ~ Yeah.

San E ~ Do you plan on meeting him?

Angela ~ I'm thinking about it, but we both don't want to slack off so what we decided was that after my album comes out, then we can meet just the two of us.

San E ~ Oh.

I can sense a disappointment in his

Angela ~ Yeah. Well...i gotta get home so...ill call you later.

San E ~ Okay bye Angela

Angela ~ Bye

We both hung up. He's still hanging on is he? I can sense it by his voice. But at least he can be happy now that we're just friends.

God I know 😩😩 ugh it'll be better next part, I hope

An Unexpected Love (San E Ambw)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu