Is It Really For The Best?

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Angela's POV

I remember slightly waking up and my head started to hurt. While I was sleeping, I did hear voices but I didn't know who it was. My eyes slightly opened. "Jason?" I murmured. "Yea it's me." He said. I started to look around. "Where am i?" I asked. "Your in the hospital." He replied. "How did I get here?" I asked. Suddenly, the doctor came. "Hello I'm the doctor here." The doctor said. "Oh nice to meet you. I'm her friend." Jason said. "Ok so according to the files, the injuries are not serious, which is good news, all she has to do is rest for a few days and I also recommend her to make an appointment for physical therapy just to see if there's any more injuries in the body, cuz there might be some, even though it doesn't hurt. It can be triggered overtime so make sure you do that. Also, it seemed that she was emotional while driving, which is dangerous. So talk to her about it. I'll also recommend to take pain killers for the injuries as well. That should be all." The doctor finished. "Thank for taking care of her, doctor." Jason said. "No problem, have a nice night." The doctor said as he walked out.

"Angela....what happened? Why did it end up like this?" Jason whispered. "Do you really want me to tell you?" I asked. "Yea of course." Jason said worried. "Ok well--" Jason interrupted me. "Just to let you know, Diana came." He said. I quickly sat up. "Diana?!?" Then my head started to pound. "Owww." I yelled. "Calm down don't hurt yourself." He pushed me back to lay down. "She came back when she heard the news and called me." He said. "Oh..." I quietly said. "And she also gave me your phone so I kinda got a little bit of what happened, but I'm still confused so it's best it you tell me." He continued. "Ok...well to start off, I saw San E with a new girlfriend at the store." I started. "Does it bother you?" He asked. "Well it shouldn't but it did. I don't know why but it's just sad that I wasn't me. Then when he saw me I immediately left. I couldn't stand it. Then a few days later I didn't text him back so I left him hanging until I texted him back again. We were talking and then he said that it was better to not talk to each other at all. I was so shocked because like I still want us to be friends I still want us to be cool and everything but he thinks that it best because it's making our spouses suspicious of us and didn't want misunderstandings so then he just blocked my number." I said about to cry.

"Well can you blame him?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well...lets put it this and him...both are exes now. Both of you are in a new relationship. Now put yourself in Hiro's shoes. If you were him, would you like it if he was texting his exes?" Jason asked. I thought about it. "No." I replied. "There you go. You wouldn't like it. Despite you too still having feelings for each other, you have to realize that he's in a new relationship with a new girl that is not you. And you are too. So on his side, it's a good idea to cut communication. You don't have to be friends with someone that you just got out of a relationship from. You can still be cool with him, but don't have to be friends with him or communicate with him, you know?" He asked. "Yeah." I replied. "So if I were him I would've cut ties too. It's called moving on for a reason. He's your ex he stays in the past. You don't keep dragging him thinking that being friends with him is gonna work when it's not. So stop trying. And putting yourself in danger just because of that is just....i understand your frustration but at the same time, you could've got killed." He said. I thought about it for a sec.

He's right. Why the fuck did I put my life on the line because of this shit? He's my ex he should be stayed in the past so why the fuck couldn't I do that? God I'm so stupid. Is it really for the best to cut ties with him? I do want us to be cool. But it doesn't have to be proven by communication. I guess it is really for the best. I cried a little. "I didn't mean to." I started crying. Jason sat on the bed next to me and hugged me. "It's ok cheesecake. I know you didn't mean it. You were stressed about alot of things and it's ok. You'll get through it. But think about it this way, he's out of you life, you can finally move on." Jason said. "Yea that's true." I said. "So question...are you gonna tell Hiro?" He asked. "Tell him?...knowing him, he'll go crazy, but he's busy with an EP and I don't want to disturb him." I said. Maybe I'll tell him when I meet him again. I thought. "Ok you better because if he found out that I knew and I didn't tell him, he'll murder me. So leave me out of this." He said. I started laughing. "Ok."

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