January 20th

13 0 0

Angela's POV

While Diana is in Japan with Uruha for their "pre honeymoon", I've decided to pack for Seoul. It's been long since I've been to the city. I missed their beautiful streetlights and skyscrapers. I missed my friend like Reggie. But, somehow, I miss San E the most. I've forgiven him for what he's done and now we're just friends. I'm not gonna hold a grudge against him expect wish him the best. Even though we're broken up, he's still a good person at heart and I still love him. I hope his birthday is going to be the best party ever.

I called Jason I see if he's ready. I dialed his number and his number started ringing.

J ~ Hello?

A ~ Hey. Are you ready?

J ~ Yup just finished packing. So who's gonna drive us?

A ~ We'll take an uber


A ~ What fucking choice do we have? We can't drive ourselves.

J ~ Ask you mom or dad

A ~ Bitch ask your mom or dad. Mine are at work.

J ~ You know damn well why I can't ask them

A ~ Then Rick

J ~Why Rick?

A ~ Well... He's not coming with us so it wouldn't kill him if he drives us.

J ~ I don't trust him driving us



So basically what happened was back at warped tour each of the guys was taking turns driving. Rick was going to drive us to the next city and he's the type of person that drives fast, just like my older brother. So he was driving fast, we were concerned, then suddenly he almost ran over a person walking across they street so he brake hard until we bumped our heads. We looked at him. "ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?!?!" We yelled at him. He just shrugs. "At least we're going somewhere. He said. Fuck that shit you were trying to kill us.

*calls rick*

R ~ Hello

A ~ Hey. Can you do us a favor?

R ~ Depends on what it is.

A ~ Well...Jason and I want you to drive us to airport.

R ~ Uh sure whatever

A ~ thanks and also....*inhales* DON'T FUCKING KILL US!!!!

R ~ Ok yea sure whatever

A ~ Ugh...ok bye. Just meet me at my house.

*i hung up and called Jason again*

A ~ Ok he said that he'll drive us

J ~ Ugh....ok I'll come to your house and drop my car in your garage and we'll wait for Rick to come pick us up.

A ~ Yea sure

J ~ Ok bye

A ~ Bye

We both hung up.

I continued packing my stuff until Jason gets here.

15 minutes later

Jason comes and knocks on my door. I left my finished suitcase on the bed and go to open the door. By the time he's already in my house, 5 minutes passed and Rick already came. We both came out with our suitcases and put them in trunk. We got inside the car and drove to the airport. While we were driving, it was just complete silence. Ricks driving....I'm actually surprised. He told us at dinner that he took driving classes again and that now he's driving normal. He drove us to the airport normally and it's actually a good thing but scary. Then we would wondering how he even got his license in the first place. "Yo. If he's really our friend again, tell him I said hi. I miss the guy." He said. "Yeah sure. I'm sure he misses you too." I said. "If he even recognizes me. Anyways...what are we gonna do now?" Rick asked. "What do you mean?" Jason asked back. "Well....our album is done, it's getting released in the summer, and it's like idk we have nothing to do. We can't just do random lives like we have to do something." He said. That is true. All we could ever think about was finishing the album. And now that we've finished it, we're literally just like---what now? So...yea we're stuck, but we'll figure it out when we come back.

We got to the airport and said out farewells and grabbed our stuff. We waited for our flight to be called. Then, we got inside the plane and got to our seats. "This will be the longest flight EVER!!" Jason said dramatically. "Dude...we've been in the same position before. We'll be fine." I said rolling my eyes playfully. "Yeah..." He said. "And plus it's 13 hours so it's a good thing that we left in daytime and earlier than his birthday." "True. Might as well enjoy it while we can." He said putting his headphones on to listen to music. "Yup." I put my headphones on also. I started listening to Misanthropist - Souleater and the best thing about this song is....ITS FEATURING HIRO!!!! Omg he sounds so good in this song like its amazing. Funny thing was that he didn't tell me about it. It was recommended for me on YouTube so that's how I found out about it. But still...it was cool. I closed my eyes just to sleep cuz I'm tired, so I will wait until this plane lands, then I'm back in Seoul finally.

An Unexpected Love (San E Ambw)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя