She's Over Me

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San E's POV

I was woken up but the sunrise. I yawned. "What time is it?" I murmured. I looked at my phone and it was 6:41 AM. Damn...two more hours till I land. So then I went back to sleep.

Two Hours Later
Obviously I set my alarm so I would wake up on time. When the plane landed, I got up from my seat, took my luggage, and went out. I've never been to Japan so I don't really understand the language. So I would ask people where's the exit and they would show me the way. When I went outside, everything looked beautiful, but what I didn't know was that IT WAS COLD.

I quickly put my luggage down to open it and get my big, puffy, jacket that keeps me warm. If I would've known that then maybe I wouldn't be freezing my ass off. I thought. I called the taxi and went to the closest hotel in Tokyo.

Time Skip
When I got to my room, I felt relieved. I literally just plopped on my bed like a lifeless person. I was so tired so I took a nap. But then I realized that there was nothing to eat so I decided to go to the supermarket.

I went outside and I was walking. It was snowing, which was beautiful, and almost everything was covered in snow. I went inside the store and saw so many snacks so I decided to grab 2 chips and a coke. Then I heard laughter from the other side of the aisle. I was kinda ease dropping. I know that voice. I saw them walking away to the cashier.

I've seen that hair before. I tried to see her face and when I saw it....I couldn't believe it. Angela? Is that you? But then I see her with another guy. Maybe it's her friend? Then, I saw them kiss each other's lips. I was so wrong. After they paid for their stuff, they left. Seems that she has gotten over me. I thought sadly. I can't believe she got over me that easily. I thought as I paid the cashier and went out.

I kept thinking about what I saw. I bet she was happier with him than with me. You could see her bright smile and the way her eyes lit up every time she talks to him. She use to be like that with me. But...that's gone. I guess coming here was a mistake.

When I went back, I put all the snacks on my nightstand. I sat on my bed and instantly I started crying. It hurts that I see her with another guy. That she's happier with him. I wiped my tears away and decided to go for a walk. I didn't feel like eating at all. I was walking around Tokyo and then I saw posters everywhere.

It was getting annoying so I went to see what it's about. It's a concert that will be held in a venue called Shibuya. Looks like it's a Christmas event. I thought. Then I saw that the band "Above The Darkness" will be there until January 4th, but that's the day I go back to Seoul to finish an EP called Seasons of Suffering. Maybe Angela is there. But I have to find out where Shibuya is.

So I ended up asking random people where it is and they just gave me the address. Now for the tickets. It was a bitch to translate everything to Korean. Then I finally bought the tickets since we both have the same currency. I laid in bed exhausted. Now I just have to go there and explain everything, then maybe in her cold heart, there's a little light that she wants me back too. I thought as I fell asleep.

Omg it's getting suckier everything.

An Unexpected Love (San E Ambw)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt