We're Over

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Angela's POV

I still can't get over this feeling. This feeling of uneasy. The minute Hiro told me that he didn't cheat on me, i felt uneasy, as if i felt that he was lying to me. Should i go back and face him? But i dont want to spend so much money going back and forth, like what the fuck. I'm already kicked out of the band, my boyfriend left me....so whats the issue? Then i got a call from...well now my ex, Hiro.

H ~ Hello?

A ~ Hey....what is it?

H ~ i just want to apologize

A ~ for what?

H ~ for everything that i said. i didn't mean to leave you like that, especially when you were going through a hard time with the band and stuff

A ~ ...

H ~ i want to make things right. i didnt mean what i said...

A ~ i know you didn't. i want to apologize for what i said too. i didnt mean to take it out on you.

H ~ its ok. so are we cool?

A ~ you mean, like back together?

H ~ yea. i didnt mean what i said when its best to see other people. I shoudl've never said knowing that you were going through something. I guess i was disappointed because i thought you couldn't balance me and your career. Im sorry for that. Plus, i dont want to see other people. You are the only one i want to be with. 

A ~ well...smooth talker, now that im out of the band, i have plenty of time now.

H ~ thats good. and by the way, im already at your house.


I heard a knock on the door 

A ~ Hiro you better not lie to me

H ~ just open the door

 I opened the door and i saw a big bouquet of roses and he was hiding behind them. What the fuck, bro? I thought. He revealed his face to me. "'OMG IT REALLY IS YOU!!!!." I yelled as i hugged him tightly. "What the hell, bro? I thought you were busy." I said as i closed the door. "I was, but i made sure to have time off, so that i can come see you." He said as he kissed me on the cheek. "Awe thats so sweet of you. So...what do you want to do today?" I asked sitting on the couch. "Well....i do want to spend time with you, if you don't mind. He said. "Well i was thinking if we can watch a movie together." I suggested as i went to Netflix. "Sure. Thats fine." He said as he put his arm around me. Maybe he's not cheating on me after all. I must be getting crazy for no reason. I thought. We ended up watching Scott Pilgrim vs The World and its my favorite movie in the world. I love video games so much, so it makes sense lol. During the movie, i saw that Hiro was on his phone. I told myself that maybe he was talking to his friends or something so i ignored it. Few minutes later, i was looking at him side-eyed, and he was still on his phone. I was getting a little frustrated. Who the fuck is he talking to? I thought. I tried to turn my eye to his phone and i see him texting someone. The way that he was talking to this person, it has to be a girl. WHAT GIRL IS HE TALKING TO?!?! No no stop Angela, you are not going to assume. Just pay attention to the movie. "Ima go to the bathroom, okay?" Hiro said as he got up to go to the bathroom. I nodded. Knowing that guys pee very quickly, i quickly grabbed his phone. Knowing his password was the day we got together, i went to his messages. I went to the recent messages and i scrolled to the first time they talked to now. 95% of the messages were dirty talks to each other and nude photos and thats when i was really angry. I heard the door open and i immediately closed his phone and put it back where it came from. 

Hiro came back and sat next to me again. He tried to kiss my cheek and i moved away from him. "Whats wrong?" He asked concerned. "Nothing. Lets just watch the movie." I said. "No something's up." He said as he grabbed the remote to pause the movie. "Bro whats up?" I was getting pissed. "Something's wrong with you and you have to tell me." He said. "Why should i tell you?" I asked as i was getting up to get a drink. He was getting confused. "Because your my girlfriend and im worried about you?" "Your not worried about me in a slightest bit." "What the hell is wrong with you?" I was getting really pissed. "Whats wrong with me????? WHATS WRONG WITH YOU??? YOU WERE LITERALLY TALKING TO OTHER GIRLS AND THINKING THAT I DIDNT NOTICE." I yelled. "You went through my phone?" He asked. "Yes i did. I knew something was up and thats when i fucking knew you were lying to me." I said. "LYING TO YOU ABOUT WHAT??!?" "ABOUT YOU CHEATING ON ME!!!!!" He stood quiet. "Now, i dont want to hear that i invaded your privacy. I will ask you one more time. Did you cheat on me?" He didnt answer. "DID I FUCKING STUTTER? DID YOU CHEAT ON ME OR NOT?????" "YES I DID. I FUCKING CHEATED ON YOU. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW. I ADMIT IT. I CHEATED!!!" He said. I wasn't surprised. 

"You wanna know why i cheated? I thought that you still loved you ex that i felt like i was just some scapegoat. I thought you were using me. So, during Jason's birthday, when we went to the strip club, i saw a girl and i hooked up with her in the bathroom." He said. "Its no fucking excuse. You know, i actually loved you. I wasn't using you as a fucking scapegoat. The fact that you would even think that is so disrespectful to me. I thought about us getting married and...maybe having kids if we wanted to. But, all of that was just a fairytale. Jason was right. I should've listened to him. Because i fucking chose you over him, now my friendship is shattered. Its all my fault. I feel like a dumbass just staying with you. You know all too well that i would never cheat on you, even if it was my ex. You also know that im the most loyal, respectful, bad-ass, supportive person that you've ever been with. You disgust me. You really do. And if you gonna treat me like a dumb bitch, then i suggest you go with that bitch you hooked up with because im not going to stay with you any longer." I finally said. 

"Wait-" "GET THE FUCK OUT OF  MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I CALL THE COPS. Your dead to me now." I said. Hiro sighed and he went out of the door. "Wait." I said picking up the bouquet that he brought me earlier. "Take this shit with you. She might need it." I said as i poured the flowers with water on him making him wet as a fish. Then, i kicked him out of the door and slam it in his face. After that, i down and cried. How could i've been so stupid? Choosing someone that i met only a few months over a friendship that ive had for years.....that was so stupid of me. I have to apologize to Jason. I need my best friend back. Life is not the same without him and he's the only one that knows me better than i know myself. Then, i started thinking about San E. I know that he doesn't want to tak to me, but i've always wondered how is he doing lately. But, remembering what he said, he probably might not respond to me when i text him so.....i guess im really alone now. 

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