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I've always wanted to go to tour in the states mainly beacsue its a great way to connect to fans that are not in Seoul. Also, I want to connect with my girlfriend too. She's really special to me and I love her so much. She makes me happy and makes me smile very wide. We decided to do a movie night together so we both went to the store together.

By the time we got inside the store, we got the cart. "Hey ima go get some drinks ok?" Sandy said kissing my cheek. "Ok and I'll get the chips." I said. "Ok." We both went our separate ways. I went to the chip sections and for some reason I started reminiscing. I remember when Angela and I met the second time. She was in her pajamas. She was just the cutest in the mornings. While I was walking, I walked past someone that looked familiar. Is it----no it couldn't be. I looked away. Few seconds later, I looked at her again but this time she looked at me back. We're both surprised that we were here at the same time.

Then my girlfriend came back. "Got the drinks. Anything else?" Sandy asked as she kissed me on the cheek. I looked at her but then my eyes turned to Angela and she was walking away. "Baby...can you stay here for a sec. I gotta get my wallet from my car." I said as I kissed her forehead. "Yea sure." She said and I quickly ran to chase Angela. I just want to talk to her for a sec to know how she's doing. By the time I got outside, she was already in her car, backing out of the parking lot. "Angela!!! Wait!!" I yelled. She didn't hear me. She continued and then she left. Damn I just want to talk to you...i thought. Why did you have to run away from Me? I got to my car and pretended I was getting my wallet, when I already had it in my pocket. I went back inside the store finding Sandy by the fruit section. She looked up at me and smiled. "Did you find your wallet, babe?" She asked. "Yup, found it. Ok let's pay for the stuff so we can go home." I told her and then we walked to the cashier.

Time Skip
Sandy and I were watching the movie "Minions". She has always wanted to watch that movie for so long and even though it's a kids movie, it's actually pretty funny. We were eating junk food, popcorn, drinking soda, you name it, and we were just having a good time enjoying each other's company.

Suddenly I started thinking about what happened at the store today. Why did Angela had to run away from me? It didnt had to be that way, I just wanted to talk to her. Was it because she doesn't want to see Me? Is she afraid of Me? Is it maybe I offended her in some way? I was lost into thought until my girlfriend shook me to snap out of it. "Babe are you Ok? You were spacing out." She asked worried. "No I'm fine. Don't worry about me." I said comforting her. Our eyes turned to watch the movie. But, for some reason I can't stop thinking about her.

"Hey Ima go to the bathroom, okay?" I said getting up. "Ok sure." Sandy said. I went to the bathroom immediately and then I started texted Angela. I wanted to know why she acted like that. I'm just confused that I need to know.

S ~ heyyy



She hasn't texted me back until a few minutes later

A ~ Hey

S ~ have you been?

A ~ I've been fine. Look I can't talk right now

S ~ Are you busy?

A ~ Yea

S ~ Then I'll just leave you questions so you can answer them later.

A ~ sure

I think she's gone now so here it goes...

S ~ why did you act like that towards me at the store? I mean I understand what happened at my birthday when I was kinda being an ass about what we've been through, but at the same time I want us to be cool. Maybe not friends but at least, cool enough so theres no grudge or bad vibe between us. What did I do to you to deserve That?

I left her that message. Now I just have to wait for her to reply.


Damn I thought you were busy. I grabbed my phone and saw her text.

A ~ because I kept remembering you and I just couldn't do it. What happened that night, I was being immature about it. It wouldn't be fair that I moved on and you didn't. It wouldn't be fair to wish pain and betrayal upon you. I don't want that. I am happy that you moved on, it's just I remember when you and I was like that before and I just couldn't handle thinking that it's not me.

I was shocked. I didn't know what to say

S ~ look i understand. I sometimes wish I was there with you right now. But, remember what you said that night, it's so better if we just be friends. But I also think that it's becoming to hard for the both of why don't we just call it quits.

A ~ what do you mean?

S ~ like let's not talk at all.

A ~ ...why?

S ~ your with a new guy, I'm with a new girl, us thinking about each other in a sense of when we were together before Is making our spouses suspicious, like we're cheating on them. I don't want that misunderstanding. It's better if we don't talk anymore.

In that note, I deleted her phone number and blocked it. I also deleted pictures that we had together back then. It's time to move on.

An Unexpected Love (San E Ambw)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz