His Explanation PT. 2

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Angela's POV

"Look...I want to come to you as a man and as a person and tell you what's been happening. I never meant to hurt you and I'm so sorry. The way I acted wasn't right and I should've never said what I said. Hopefully you forgive me after this." San began and exhaled deeply.

"What happened was because of my ex girlfriend, Regina. She called me up saying that she's pregnant. When I was with her before you, never once did we have sex. She assumed that I was the father but I personally deny it. She didn't really show me proof that she was pregnant, but knowing her for a year, she wouldn't kid about something like that. So I stayed with her because if I didn't then it would be heartless of me even though she hurt me before. I was pissed at her for mentioning you because I thought that she would do something to destroy our relationship. Then, I took it out on you. I didn't mean to and I'm sorry..." He explained.

As he was explaining it to me, I didn't know what to say or how to react. I looked at Jason and he was surprised. The question is why didn't he tell me before. We could've handled it together. "...and while you were gone, I was taking care of her. Obviously, we weren't on good terms but it was for the sake of our baby, or so I thought. I went out and I met her best friend Samantha. She...was one of my closest friends and I love her very much. Craziest thing is that she told me that Regina is not pregnant. I was so mad and she told me the reason why. She wanted me back. She said that she can give me anything that you can't." That son of a bitch! I'll murder her.

"I was packing my things and then I was leaving. She was a crazy ass person because she was chasing me all the way to the airport." Jason and I gave each other the "what the fuck" face. "She said that I would regret leaving her and to be honest, I don't regret leaving her. I would never hurt her the way that she did. She only dated me for my money, and not really for me. But, Angela, your different. You didn't date me because of fame. You only dated for me and for who I am. You loved me for me and I appreciated that. I appreciate every moment that we've spent together. I can't imagine real love without you and your a big part of my life. I should've never let you go. I love so much and even though you already have someone that makes you more happier than me, I will still love you regardless. You made me complete before, and if I have your forgiveness, then I'll feel at ease. So please, can you forgive me?" He asked with pleading eyes.

My eyes became watery. Maybe I should've gave him a chance to explain before. But I don't really forgive easily. Yes...he was stressing out lately and i thought it was because of me. I thought I was the problem. "Angela...?" Jason looked at me. "I don't know what to say, San. I thought that it was my fault that I'm the one that caused you stress and made you act the way you did." I said shutting my eyes tight to prevent tears from falling out. "No no no it wasn't you. It was never your fault. I'm sorry that you felt that way." San said.

"Look I appreciate that you told me, but you know that it's too late right?" "I know. I just want to tell you. I didn't want to leave you hurt without an explanation." Jason stood up. "Wow...that was deep. Hey...sorry if I punch you and was an asshole to you. It just pissed me off when you hurt her. Now that you were man enough to stand up for yourself, I forgive you too." He held his hand out. "So we cool?" He asked. "Yeah we're cool." San shook his hand. "We can still be friends though. I will always love you too." I said. "Yeah sure that will be fine." He said. All of us smiled. It's good to hear from San. Now that I know, I don't have to be sad anymore. I can tell he changed for the better and I love him even more. I'm glad we're still friends and that we can stay like that for the future.

Ugh it sucks I'm sorry

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