You Fucking Bastard

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Jason's POV 

Did this dude, the one that i call my brother, the one that i fucking trusted, CHEATED ON MY BEST FRIEND??? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS????? "Jason. Its not what it looks like" Hiro tried to explain. I stepped in and i punched him in the face. "WHAT THE FUCK DID ANGELA DO TO DESERVE GETTING CHEATED ON??? HUH???? ALL SHE DID WANT FUCKING LOVE AND RESPECT YOU AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DO??!!!!?!" I yelled as i kept punching him. I stopped when i told myself to calm down. "Please don't tell her-" I interrupted him. "Oh im not gonna tell her. Why? Because you're going to tell her yourself. I cant believe i even considered you my brother. I would stay angry at you, but to be honest, im actually disappointed in you." I said as i walked away. I ended up calling Diana, Angela, and Uruha to come help me carry the guys home. They all came to the club and helped out. I was carrying Masa, Diana was carrying Daichi, Uruha was carrying Natsu, Cazqui and Angela was carrying Hiro out. We all carried them to the house and just laid three of them on the couch. "Ima take Hiro to my room." Angela said as she was carrying Hiro with Cazqui. "...ok" I said softly. I did say that i wasn't going to tell her, but wouldn't it be right if i could just tell her the truth? But then at the same time, i don't want to get involved. You know what, fuck it. Ill let him to tell her, but if he doesnt tell her, then i will. 

Next Morning

I ended up waking up early and everyone else is sleeping. They all look cute and shit lol. I did get a minor headache, but it wasnt a big deal, but i still took Aleve and water to tone it down. I knew that they got drunk pretty bad so i made everyone water and 2 Aleve's each for the hungover. Few minutes later, everyone started to wake up and getting major headaches. Once i was Hiro and Angela together, i turned my head the other way. Goddammit i cant stand him right now. The fact that hes being a fake ass motherfucker towards her is aggravating me. But ima keep my cool and see what happens. 

2 Hours later.

Angela decided that we should go sightseeing together since its going to be the last day in Japan. I couldn't really have a good time because i kept thinking about last night. I still couldn't believe that Hiro would cheat on Angela, like what the fuck is that shit? "Jason....JASON!!!" Angela yelled and i snapped out of my thoughts. "Are you okay? You were like spacing out and shit." She asked. "No im fine. Don't worry. Im okay." I assured her. I cant let her know what im thinking. I don't want another fight when it comes to Hiro. The last time we had a fight concerning Hiro, it almost ended our friendship and i dont want that. So, in other words, itll be better if i dont tell her now. Its not the right time, especially when she took the time to prepare for my birthday weekend and im grateful for that. 

2 more hours later

Angela and I decided to pack early so that we can reach to the airport on time. The plane is leaving at 3 am so we wanted to be ready by that time. While i was packing, i heard someone coming inside my room. I stopped to turn around and it was none other than Hiro. The minute i see him, my blood boils with anger. I turned around to continue packing. Hiro sat on my bed and he began speaking. "Are you going to tell her?" He asked. "Why should I? Its none of my business, right?" I said getting my jackets from the closet. "Look, it wasnt what it looked like. That girl came onto me, and i tried to stop--" I interrupted him and turned around to look at him. "So that gives you a fucking excuse to cheat on Angela? #1 your d*** was out in the fucking open. #2 you were fucking shirtless and sweating and your face was fucking pink like a fucking tomato. YOU WERE FUCKING ENJOYING YOURSELF ASSHOLE!!!! LIKE I WOULD BELIEVE THE FACT THAT SHE CAME ONTO YOU. YOU KNOW WHAT I THINK??? YOUR THE ONE WHO CAME ONTO HER!!!!" As i finished, Hiro grabbed my shirt and shoved me into a wall. The back of my head was pounding so i felt a medium level of pain. "Okay, your right. I did came onto that girl, but who is Angela's gonna believe? Me or you? Remember when you were trying to break us up last time? Even if you tell her, shes not gonna believe you. Besides, you dont have any proof." He said letting go of my shirt. "Angela and i are going to be together whether you like it or not. But i will give you a warning though." Hiro continued as he was walking out of my room. "If you try to break us up again, you won't live to see another day. See you next time." He said closing my room door. I slid down onto the floor speechless. Like i said, the last thing i need is for our friendship to break up because of this bastard. Now im really debating whether i should tell her or not. Even when he said that threat, im scared out of my fucking mind. I dont want to get killed......

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