a week later

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Jason's POV

So.....fun fact....its my birthday...yay. my birthday is not really exciting. The reason why is that I don't really celebrate my birthday alot, but my friends do. They're like my family. My REAL family doesn't really care....except for my grandma. Both my mom was in jail and my dad was a drug addict and an alcoholic. He just love pushing my ass to the side. The only person who ever loves me and celebrates my birthday is my grandmother. She has cared for my ever since I was 7 and she was like my best friend and second mother to me. Yes, she's still alive and kicking. The first time Angela met my grandmother was when we were in high school when I was going through issues with my dad. My grandmother knows that I'm in a band and might go away someday and she told Angela, "take care of my boy." and Angela has kept her promise until now. I'm so grateful to have her as a best friend, or even a sister. She's been there for me when my parents weren't.

Three days prior
Anyways I woke up late like 5 am and I get this text from Angela and my grandmother. They both said happy birthday to me. I was so happy. Angela also planned for us to go to Japan together for my birthday weekend and Im so excited. I haven't been to Japan since we left and I'm so excited to go back. I'm excited because we get to go back with the band and...myabe my new brother in law.....ugh they're not even married yet lol, but I can still dream.

Angela told me to pack up my things since the time zone in Japan is 13 hours ahead of us. I packed up the things that I needed and waited for Angela to come by. The plan was she was going to drop her car at my driveway and call an uber to drive us to the airport. I wanted to be the two of us because I've always loved just us being together, but her dumbass decides to bring Diana and her boyfriend, Uruha. I get it I get it I get it but COME ON!!!!! I don't hate them tho.

In Japan
After 14 hours of fucking misery....its not like I've never been in this position before. But this time....its even worse. I have to deal with Angela's dumbass sweettalking Hiro like da fuck? And then I have to hear Uruha and Diana do the same thing? I swear to fucking god I'm going to blow the fuck up. But finally it was all over when we landed. By the time we entered the airport, Hiro was there w/ his crew and tbh I'm so glad to see them. Next thing you know, I see Angela's crazy ass running to hug Hiro. Goddamn. I thought. After that, we all went to the hotel that we stayed in before. Still great memories.

"Well Jason....ima hang out with Hiro for a bit....so I'll see you later." Angela said while dragging him along. "Take your time." I murmured. For some reason, I'm just not excited for my birthday. While I was unpacking, someone tapped me on my shoulder. I looked back and it was Natsu. "Hey, you seem gloomy, what's up?" He asked. "Nothing, just a little out of the weather." I said. "What do you mean? The weather is fine." He said confused. Oh geez this guy. I thought. "I mean I'm just kinda tired." I said sitting on my bed. Natsu sat next to me. "Well....i did hear it was your birthday in two days. You should be excited." He said patting my back. "I know but....i don't I'm just not that excited." "Why?" "I guess I didn't really have good birthdays when I was young...its always been crappy. Angela and my grandmother are the only people who really make life worth living. They're the only people who celebrate my birthday more than anyone." "Then that should be a good thing, right?" He asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well as long as you have people that are important to you by your side, that's all that matters. You don't need to have like a big party or anything. You have us and we care about you alot. So you will be ok." Natsu said patting my back again.

I thought about what he said and he is right. I mean I had some crappy birthdays in the past, but that doesn't mean that it is going to be crappy now. As long as I have the people that are important to me around me, I'm good. "Thanks Natsu, I need that alot." I smiled at him. "Anytime." He said. Few hours later, I was in the kitchen cooking and i saw Hiro and Angela coming home with so many bags and the minute they saw me, they ran inside the room. The fuck? I went to check out why they were acting weird and then Natsu pulled my shirt to pull me back. "Get your butt back in the kitchen and stop being a nosy ass." He said and I pouted as Cazqui, Daichi, and Masa laughed.

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