Rebuilding Bridges (Angela to Jason)

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Angela POV

For a few days, i was packing all the gifts and everything that Hiro gave me and put them in a box. Now, i just want to have anything out that reminds me of the relationship that i had with him. During packing, i thought about Jason and thought about apologizing to him. I really miss him and i really fucked up everything. The only way to make this right is if i apologize to him. I grabbed my phone from my bed and immediately texted Jason. I haven't texted him ever since our fight, so i don't know if he blocked my number. But ill try anyways. 

A ~ Hey Jason? Can we talk?



No answer. Just as i thought. He doesn't want to talk to me. Well, i wouldn't blame him. I wouldn't talk to myself either after what I've done. 

J ~ Hey. Yea sure.  

I quickly picked up my phone once i heard the notification ding. I'm surprised he texted me, though. 

A ~ Can we meet up at your house?

J ~ Sure.

I immediately put my shoes on and drove to Jason's house. Its been a while since i came here, but i do want to make things right. Before i knocked on the door, Jason opened the door to let me in. We both sat down on the couch. "So....what did you come here for?" Jason asked. "I came here to apologize." I said. "Okay....go on." He said. "There's a lot of things to say to you because i feel like i fucked up our friendship, when it shouldn't happen that way. I feel bad because the way i handled the situation was poor." I began. "Now your just beating around the bush. Just tell me what you came here for." He said. "Look Jason i'm sorry, for everything. I'm sorry for choosing Hiro over you, i'm sorry that I've been acting weird ever since him and i got together and i'm sorry that I've been putting the band on hold sometimes. I'm sorry that I've been fucking blind and stupid. I found out that Hiro cheated on me. You were right. That's another thing that i'm sorry about. I should've listened to you. I should've been a better best friend because right now i'm the worst. Choosing my best friend over some guy i only knew for a few months? and for what? to lose my best friend who knows me more than anyone, who has been there for me? Some best friend i am. I'm sorry that my act caused you to leave the band. I didn't know why you left the band myself, but i thought it was all because of me. I broke it off with him....hell i should've done that days ago. I'm just sorry for everything and i want you to know that." I start to tear up. "Because your the most important person to me in my life and i don't want things to end like this." Jason suddenly hugged me. 

I was surprised because i didn't expect that gesture from him. I thought that maybe he would kick me out once again and not talk to me, which i would've understood. But, the fact that he hugged me, i don't deserve him. I don't deserve his forgiveness and i don't deserve his love. "Its okay Angela." Jason said. "I have my fair shares of mistakes." "And what is that?" I asked. "For being an asshole. I was debating whether i should tell you or not. He was even threatening me and treating you like your blind. He told me that you weren't going to believe me anyways even if i told you. I didn't want to tell you because your relationship is none of my concern and i didn't want to step out of line. So, im sorry too." Jason said. We both embraced each other for a few minutes until we let go. "So you forgive me?" I asked. He messed with my hair lightly. "Of course i forgive you. But promise me, that you will not let a man get between our friendship." He asked. "I promise." I said. We hugged once more. 

2 Hours later

We've decided to hang out together, like old times. We went to Disney Springs and it was pretty cute. We went to get ice-cream, visited my mom there, and it was fun. Im glad that him and i are friends again and i would not trade him for anything again. After that, we were about to go to T.G.I.Fridays together and he knows that it is my favorite restaurant ever. While we were ordering, i heard a ding from my phone. I wonder who could that be? I thought. I checked my phone and saw a text. "Hey Angela. Are you ok?" Jason asked. "Yea im fine. Just someone texted me. Its nothing." I said putting my phone away. We ordered some wings and then my phone dinged again. I was already annoyed and Jason saw that. "Who is that?" Jason asked. "I dont even know." I said. "Give me the phone." He said as he had his hand out and i gave him the phone. It took a few minutes he found out who it was. When i looked at him, he had a surprised face. "Whats wrong, Jason?" I asked. "Who is it?" He gave the phone back to me. "Its San E." He said. I sat there shocked. What?

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