Morning with Hiro

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Angela's POV

Oh my god last night was amazing. The best part was that I did it with him. I woke up with an arm around my naked waist. I turned around and I saw sleeping Hiro. He looks so cute when he's sleeping. I touched his cheek and rubbed it softly. Then I kissed his forehead. Me doing that opened his eyes. "Hey babe." I said smiling. "Hey baby." He said with a tired voice. He kissed my lips softly.

He held my waist a little tighter. "Babe...round two?" He asked. "Why round two. I'm already in pain." I chuckled. "Yea but...I want another round...just to get myself up." He said. "Hiro..." "Pleeasssseee" I looked at his puppy face. I turned away from him. "Nope not gonna happen." I said. "Are you sure?" He asked with his voice deep and close to my neck. He nibbled on my neck softly and then starting to bite, lick, and kiss. I moaned a little and turned to get on top of him. "But this time I'm the dominant one. Ok?" I said sexily. "Do what you want." He bit his lip sexily.

2 hours later
I woke up again to see that he's not there next to me. "Hmm?" I groaned confusingly. "Where did he go?" I asked myself. I turned to my bedpost to see a letter. I grabbed it and read,


I went out to buy breakfast for the both of us so I'll be right back.
Love you


I smiled. He's so sweet. I thought. I got up to take a shower and brush my teeth. When I finished, I just wore his big jacket that was really comfy with a white shirt and basketball shorts. I sat down and watch tv. I ended up watching Tom and Jerry. Ahh I haven't watched this in years. The last time I watched it I was like 14 or 13. I'm 24 now and it's been so long. I heard a knock on my door. Must be Hiro with the food. I thought. I went to the door to open it and there he is. He hid his face with the bag of food. "Hiro what are you doing?" I chuckled. "For you my lady." He gave the bag to me. "Awe thank you." I went to put the bag on the kitchen counter. I looked back and he was still standing there. "Well...are you getting in?" I asked. He gave me the cute look. God he's so lazy. I thought.

I rolled my eyes and smiled a little bit and dragged him inside and close the door. We both arranged the food and sat down and ate together. "Ahh my favorite show." He said starting to eat. I looked at him surprised. "Mine too." We both smiled and then ate. After we eat, Hiro threw our plates in the trash and sat back next to me.

"Now that we ate, what should we do now?" He asked. "Well...I guess that we should..." I leaned in and we were about to kiss until my phone rang. "Ugh really?" I huffed. I pulled away from him and grabbed my phone to answer. It was Diana. "Hello?" I asked. Then suddenly, Hiro pulled me in his lap. I started giggling. "Chill." I said.

A ~ Hello?

D ~ Hey Angela how u been?

A ~ Been good. Very good.

D ~ Don't want to know what that meant but ok. Anyways just want you to know that we're coming home.

Then Hiro started kissing my neck. I moaned a little bit

A ~ Mmm...right now?

D ~ No not now but in a few days. Angela you good?

A ~ Just a stomach ache

D ~ Awe take care of yourself ok? I'll text you when Im going and when I come back, I'll tell you all about the honeymoon, if you know what I mean.

Then he bit my neck. I bit my lip when he did that.

A ~ Oh I know. Ok I'll talk to you laters

D ~ Ok bye

A ~ Bye

I hung up.

"Hiro. Really?" I asked him. "Yeah...I can't resist you. So why not?" He said. "You resisted me when you were getting food." I said. "Well that's different. I was getting it for the both of us....and babe...." He leaned to my ear. "Don't pretend you didn't like it." He whispered and bit my earlobe. I grabbed his face and kissed him. He kissed back passionately. We pulled away for a few minutes and looked into each other's eyes. We both smiled. "I love you." I said. "I love you too." He said back.

It's been a while... And also been a year I think since I started my story. Thanks to everyone who supported me throughout all this and I'm sorry if the update is very slow but I will try my best to make sure the story will be interesting. Again, thank you for you support. Love you guys until next time 💕💕💕

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