I Invited Her

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So I've decided to invite Angela. I feel like it would be petty if I didn't invite her ever since we've broken up. After that night, I don't want to think of negative thoughts anymore. As long as her and I are friends, then I don't mind. I just want to put the past behind us.

I was at the venue when everything was getting prepared just as I visioned. It looks to beautiful and the party is going to be amazing. Obviously the night will be reserved so only the ones on the list will be invited, including Angela.

"Aye bro. It's looking nice already." Reggie said putting his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah. I guess." I responded. "So you invited her?" He asked." "Yeah I did. It was kinda difficult, but I've decided to put the past behind me and invite her, just as friends." I said. "That's good. I'm really proud of you. Your becoming more humble now." He patted my back and walked away. "Yeah." I whispered to myself.

Time Skip.

Since the EP is finished, I planned to have two events into one. Birthday party and EP release. It's kinda cool when you think about it. Things are going really smooth with everything. I was at home watching TV, and then I decided to text Angela to tell her. I picked up my phone that was beside me and went to my messages to text her.

San E ~ Hey

Angela ~ Hey

San E ~ How u been?

Angela ~ I've been good, U?

San E ~ Same.
So I have this birthday party on the 23rd and I was wondering if you want to come? You can bring your boyfriend too.

Angela ~ Oh really? Omg this soon?

San E ~ Yeah.

Angela ~ Oh man. Well our album is already done and ready to be released in the summer, so I'm good. I might have time to come. Are you sure it wouldn't be a bother?

San E ~ Yeah I'm sure. I mean we're just friends right? Besides everything will be fine. Also you can bring your band if you want to or another friend maybe...

Angela ~ Yeah sure..ill think about it.

San E ~ Ok. Text me when you've made your decision.

Angela ~ Ok bye. Talk to you later

San E ~ Bye.

So, now that I've invited her and her friends and boyfriend, work is done. Now the only thing I have to do is be there and dress nice. This party is gonna be so cool, I can't wait.

Angela's POV
To celebrate our completion of our album, all of us have decided to go to the bar. It's the same place where all the guys were drunk and I was the only one who was sober. I have to drag their asses to my car and leave them there while the car is in the garage. It was better than leaving them outside, to be honest. But hopefully they don't get too drunk like last time.

We went to our usual seats and they all ordered beer, except me. I'm not usually the alcohol type or the smoking type so I like to keep myself clean. The drinks came in 25 minutes later and then I got a text from San E. San E? Ahh we haven't talked ever since New Years. I thought.

*conversation in San E POV*

I'm so excited for his party. Even though we've broken up, I'm still going to support him regardless. Now that we're just friends, things are starting to get easier. So I nudged Jason until his attention was on me instead of the bartender, like always. "Hey...so San E invited me to his party and he said that I could bring my boyfriend and maybe you guys along too." I said. "Really?!?! You serious?" He asked me with wide eyes. "Yeah. So I was wondering if you want to come?" I asked. "YO GUYS. SAN E INVITED US TO HIS PARTY?!?" He yelled to the guys.

He yelled so loud that all the attention in the bar was on us. I closed his mouth with my hand and clenched my teeth. "Will you shut up? I said you guys not the whole entire bar." I said as I let his mouth go. "Ok ok geez. Anyways will you guys come cuz I'm going?" Jason asked. Bryan couldn't go because he had to take care of his mom in the hospital, Andy couldn't come because he has to go to his sisters wedding, and Rick can't come because...well he doesn't want to. So all that's left is me and Jason.

"I guess it's just the two of us." I said shrugging. "OK LETS GO!!!" He yelled in excitement as he stood up from his seat. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DUMBASS!!!" I yelled as I rubbed the nape of my nose. Ugh this guy. I thought.

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