Leaving Japan...Once Again

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Jason's POV

Well since my birthday weekend was over, it was time to go back home. Do you know what I realized? We haven't done music ever since. I mean we did release an album I that is going really successful, but we haven't gone on tour or anything like that. So, it's about time we do that. Angela and I was leaving by taxi. I was looking and daydreaming as I'm passing tall buildings. Yo..Tokyo is so beautiful. If I could just move there, that would be amazing. Don't get to deal with all the bullshit that happens in America lol. Anyways, I hear Angela talking. I was thinking that she was talking to herself, but it's not surprising that she was talking to Hiro. I'm still mad about what he has done. But, I thought of something. I'm just gonna stay out of it. The friendship with Angela means so much to me than getting into her relationship business. My mom always tells me, "If it's not your concern, stay out of it." and that's what I intend to do. BUT I don't want to hear her complain that I didn't tell her and then ended up fucking up the relationship. So...on that note, either I tell her or not will end the same both ways----the end of your friendship. You know what? That's completely fine with me. Even though she has been there for me when no one else has, I can't stand the fact that she is so blind.

We got to the airport and right on time. As we were going past the gate, I heard some yelling coming from behind us. "ANGELA!!!!" I heard screaming closer and closer. Oh, wait. Don't tell me. I thought facepalming myself. Yep, it was Hiro. GODDAMMIT!!!!!. I screamed in my head. Angela ran to him and hugged her. I can't stand seeing them, geez. I just want to go on the plane and just sleep. "Angela ima just wait for you in the plane." She didn't say anything. Did I just fucking got ignored???? This little-- you know what lemme get on this plane. I gave the flight attendant the ticket and I went into the plane. I sat next to the window and I'm was so happy. A few minutes later, Angela came. "Hey, you didn't wait for me. What's up?" She asked sitting down next to me. "I just wanted to get inside, plus you were busy so I couldn't wait," I said. "Well damn, you could've waited for me at least, but that's ok." She said. The plane took off and all I could see is the clouds. They look so fluffy and amazing. Can I be one of them, so I could just fly away when I want to?

14 hour later

Look, I've dealt with this long ass flight back home before. BUT, THIS WAS THE WORST!!!!!. THIS GIRL WAS TALKING TO HER MAN ALL NIGHT!!!!. LIKE DO YOU SLEEP!??!?!? I kept trying to shut my ears, but obviously, it wasn't working. By the time the plane landed, both of us got out and our band was waiting for us. Lol, I didn't expect that tbh, but it was cool. Rick (guitarist), Andy (guitarist), Bryan (bassist), and our manager Mark was there (it's been a while since yall heard those names lol) and they were excited to see us. We all went to the recording company because we thought that we should have a meeting. When we got there, we all sat down. "Ok, I actually want to tell you guys something." Mark began. "I feel like we're a little behind because ever since we made the album, we really haven't done shit. SO.....I was thinking that maybe...we can have a mini-tour." He suggested. "You know, I was actually thinking about that too," I said. "See? It's good. Yall don't have to stay home, you can actually travel and do a few shows." Mark said. "Wait.... can I say something?" Angela asked. "Yea what is it?" Mark said. "Well....since we released an album...can't we do like a full on tour across the U.S, but in a few months?" She suggested. I looked at her crazy. "Why? You guys haven't been on tour in months, let alone performed. So why a few more months?" He asked. "Is it because you have a boyfriend and you want to put this on hold?" He assumed. "No that's not it. I just think that it would be best to push it back for a little bit....to figure stuff out." She said. "This is not like you.....you've never wanted to push performances or tours back," Mark said surprised. "Well... I think its best." She said. "Ok fine. Who agrees to have the tour pushed back for a few months?" Mark asked. Only Angela raised her hand. "Ok...Who wants to have the U.S tour as soon as possible?" Everyone raised their hand, including me. "Ok, so it's settled. We are going to have a U.S tour as soon as possible. We are going to arrange dates and venues all across the country. It will take a month or two, but we will be ready by then, so ill get your set-list ready." Mark said as he walked out.

"Angela, what's up? It's not like you to push tours back." I asked. "I just feel like it needs to be pushed back. Why do we have to rush into things so much?" She asked. "Because that's how it works? If we don't do tours, we lose supporters. You know that." I said. Angela looked down. "I just don't feel like we have to overwhelm ourselves with work." She said. "Overwhelm ourselves with what? We haven't done shit ever since our album got finished and now you're afraid that shit will be overwhelming. I don't know what your thinking, but you need to get yourself together. I get that you have the "best boyfriend in the world", but don't let that get in the way of your career." I said as I stood up and walked out. Just a little more time.....just a little more time. I thought 

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