Birthday Meeting

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(It's been a while since I've done his POV)

Well I'm back guys. Sorry for the absence. I was just preparing for my birthday party on the 23rd of January. Yes it is early since it's already the 10th but I want to make sure the birthday party is perfect. I was at my house talking with my crew and manager on where two party will be and what time it'll start.

"Ok so I was thinking that we should start early at the latest, maybe at 9 since you guys want to party all night." The manager said writing down. "Yea except I'm not gonna be there." Reggie included. "Why?" I turned to him. "It's my anniversary with my girlfriend Samantha." He said. "Ohhhh." We all said in unison. "Yeah." "Well have fun." I said. "Oh and tie the knot too." One of my crew members said. Reggie threw a pillow at him. We all laughed.

"So at 9 it's good. Now let's talk about where. We don't want to go to the club that we don't know, even though we want to try something different. Let's try a club that we've haven't been going for a while and start from there." They looked at me confused. "Why?" My manager asked. "Well....idk. That's what I think." I said self consciously. "No don't get discouraged. How about this? We'll choose three clubs and we'll see which ones the best. Two will be excluded once the decision is chosen." He said. We all agreed.

We took the managers binder and we were looking up clubs to choose from. We looked at this club called Octagon Club. I would go there with my friends most of the time when we wanted to have drinks or just to hang out. Then there's Answer Club. I went there one time with a friend for his birthday party. It was cool. There's Cakeshop Seoul. I've never been there before so I'm kinda curious.

My crew and I were talking amongst each other until we finally made a decision. "Ok." I began. "We choose Octagon Club. Only because it's the only place that we ever been hanging out and we know the place a lot." I said. "Ok well I will call the owner to make arrangement. Until then...get ready." My manager said. We both said our farewells as he left.

I was about to go to my room until Reggie grabbed my arm softly. "Are you gonna invite Angela?" He asked. I've thought about it. But she's finishing an album now and just came from her tour and I don't want to bother her. We're friends which is fine, but now I just feel weird about inviting her. "I'm thinking about it." I said nodding. "Ok cuz I would love to see her again." He said smiling. "Yeah...same." I said with a small smile.

Everyone left until I was the only one in the house. Now I have time to think now. I've been curious about this band. What's it called? Nocturnal Bloodlust? Oh now I remember. Angela came to me about them when she was doing her album, saying that she had to sound brutal like him. She showed me the music video, but I don't remember the name of it. I'll search it up.

I searched "nocturnal bloodlust" on YouTube in my phone. The first video that came up was "Malice Against" I pressed the video. It started playing and it's already getting intense. Then it got even more intense with the fire. Now I know why they're dating. He's the same level as her, musically. They have the same taste in music and they're both the same and relate to each other. Now I'm really certain that we're not made for each other. I'm not into metal like she is. I don't have the same taste as her, but the fact that I chose her and regardless if we're different, now I don't know anymore. It pains me to say, but I don't think we're getting back together.

When I finished the video, I put my phone down on the couch and sighed deeply. He is good looking. He got muscles, his screams are just Angela's type, and I know that because she tells me. Just the type of guy that she needs. Maybe me and her were just not meant to be, I guess. I closed my eyes when my tears were threatening to come down. I wiped them away quickly and went to my room to sleep. I really don't want to get up, to be honest.

I think you guys will hate me for this part, for all j rocker fans, cuz this next part is just...suspicious.

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