Problems with Ex and a Call from Jason

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I had a phone call from my ex, saying that she's wanted to talk to me. She called me five times and I told her so many times that I don't want to talk. She fucking cheated on me, so it's like why talk to her? I have been avoiding Angela because I don't want to tell her what's wrong. I mean yeah we're boyfriend and girlfriend, but there's just some things that I can't tell her, especially this. But, the fact that I've been cold to her, I feel bad. (Let's say her name is Regina because I don't know his ex.)

I left my room to go see Regina. "I'm leaving, bye jagi." I said to Angela. She was in the kitchen cooking eggs. "Ok." She simply said. I looked at her. She had her back turned on me. "Not even an 'I love you'?" I asked. "I love you. Be safe." She said. She didn't even glance at me. So, I just left. I drove to where Regina want to meet me which is at the cafe. I was about to go in when I saw her sitting patiently. I tried to control my anger. I took a deep breath and went in. I sat with her. "Hey San." She said having a smile on her face. "Cut the crap Regina. What do you want?" I asked sternly. "Well I wanted to tell you in person. That I'm pregnant." She said. I looked at her unamused. "And?" "And I think it might be your baby." I looked at her like she's crazy and laughed. "What's so funny?" She asked. "How can it be mine? We didn't even have sex ever since we were together." I said. "Well we did. You just didn't remember." She said with her arms crossed. "Well I do remember and I also remember using a condom cuz didn't you say you didn't want to have babies?" I asked crossing my arms also. "Well yes I do remember. But, things change." She said. "Bullshit." I said. "So your willing to leave me with YOUR baby alone?" "Well I already left you anyways and it's NOT my baby. Your wasting my time. I'm gonna leave now." I stood up about to walk out. "So how's Angela?" She asked.

I stopped and turned to look at her. "Don't bring Angela into this." I said sternly. "Did you knock her up?" "Regina shut up" "Or did you knock her up and then planning on leaving her?" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!" I yelled. Everyone started to look at us. "Leave Angela out of this. She got nothing to do with you. I'm happy with her so stay out of our lives." I said and then walked out of the door.

Time Skip

Angela's POV
It was 7PM, so I took a nap in our shared room to relax. I had an emotional breakdown so I ended up crying for like 20 minutes or more. I kept thinking that it was my fault that he was distancing himself away from me. I thought that I did something wrong. Then my phone rang, it was Jason. I wiped my tears and picked up the phone.

Jason ~ Hey girl

Angela ~ Hey

Jason ~ I haven't talked to you in like forever

Angela ~ Yeah I know. It's been a long time. So how you been

Jason ~ I've been good. Just kinda excited

Angela ~ About?


I jumped out of my bed.




Jason ~ I KNOW RIGHT???? *calms down* so how u been?

Angela ~I'm good


Angela ~Are you there?

Jason ~ Don't lie to me Angela.

Angela ~ I'm not lying

Jason ~ Yes you are. I know where your ok or not

Angela ~ But I'm fine tho. (Stop tearing up.)

Jason ~ Angela tell me what's wrong
Angela ~ Nothing wrong

Jason ~ Angela

Angela ~ Jason

Jason ~ Angela

Angela ~Stop it

Jason ~ ANGELA

I started crying.

Jason ~ What's wrong Angela? You can tell me.

Angela ~ He's been distancing himself away from me ever since the phone call he had the other day. Someone called him five times and it sounded like a woman. I don't even fucking know if he's cheating on me.

Jason ~ Ok Angela calm down. Maybe it's his manager...nah it wouldn't be right. Or maybe his mother...There's only one thing I could think of.

Angela ~ Which is?

Jason ~ His ex

Angela ~ Ex?

Jason ~ Yeah

Angela ~ What do you think it's about?

Jason ~ Well there's a lot of things. She wants to be with him again or she pregnant or stuff like that.

Angela ~ You don't think he'll get back together with her, do you?

Jason ~ Dude whatever happens between you and him is none of my business. But I do believe that he loves you and that's he's not dumb enough to cheat on you. But if he does cheat on you, I'll beat his ass.

Angela ~ Thanks Jason.

Jason ~ Your welcome, cheesecake. Anyways another thing.

Angela ~ What?

Jason ~ Manager is pissed.

Angela ~ Why?

Jason ~ Because you've been out. We were rehearing for the tour without you.

Angela ~ Oh god I'm so sorry. (I did miss a month and that's a bad thing.)

Jason ~ It's ok but your ass better practice because we start the tour at Decemeber 5th and today is the 1st.

Angela ~ Oh shit I'll be there as soon as possible.

Jason ~ You better. Call me when your landing. We all bought our tickets, including yours so we can take off the 3rd.

Angela ~ Ok I'll be there.

Jason ~ Bye

Angela ~ Bye.

To be continued...

An Unexpected Love (San E Ambw)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora