I Need to Go

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Jason's POV

So I was hanging out with my mom for a little bit since it's her birthday. I haven't seen her since she got out of jail and I'm happy to see her. My big sister, my stepdad, my grandma, and I was singing happy birthday. When we were about to cut the cake, Diana called me. It was unusual since she hasn't talked to me in a while. "Ill be right back. I gotta take this." I told everyone. My mom nodded. I went outside to the backyard and answered.

J ~ Hello


J ~ huh why are you panicking??? What happened?

D ~ Angela is in the hospital

My heart dropped to my stomach. I was so speechless I didn't know what to say

J ~ What do you mean?

Now I'm really scared

D ~ I heard that she got into a bad accident so now she's in the hospital

J ~ Is she Ok?

D ~ Well the doctors told me that it wasn't serious so that's good, but she does have a few injuries.

J ~ Ok just stay where you are I'll be right there.

I hung up the phone. My hands started to shake. Dear God I hope she's ok. I thought. I went inside the house. "Guys I gotta go im so sorry." I rushed to get my keys and my jacket. "Why what happened?" My mom asked. "My friend in the hospital. I gotta go. I'm so sorry." I said coming up to her and kissed her on the cheek. "Oh don't apologize. Go and be there for your friend." She said as she smiled. "Okay bye guys." I ran out of the house quickly then into the car.

I sped to the hospital and ran inside. I went to the front desk. "Hey can I see Angela?" I asked. "I'm sorry but we only allow family or relatives to come see patients." The front desk person said. "But she's my friend I gotta go see her." I said panicking and also frustrated. "Ok I'll call them." She called the room. "Ok you may go in. It's in the 3rd floor room 314." She said. I immediately ran in the elevator. When it got to the 3rd floor, I ran to the room 314. I knocked on the door. Diana opened it. "You can come in." She said. I went inside and I see Angela with bandages around her head. I was about to cry. "What happened to her?" I asked when my voice croaked. "She got into a car accident. From what some witnesses told me, they saw dry tears from her eyes so they think something went down. And also she had her phone next to her." Diana said she went to get Angela's phone from the table. "And it seemed that she was talking to San E." She said as she gave the phone to me.

I check and she was talking to him. Wow....the conversation is crazy. But I want to get her side of the story, so I'll wait until she gets better. "Where were you when all of this was going down?" I asked her. "Oh I was staying with my fiancee uruha for a few months. The minute I found out, I had to come. Uruha understood so he paid for my flight to come here." She said. "Oh ok." I said. "So ima go back home since I'm tired so if you want to stay here you can." She suggested. "I'll stay with her it a fine. You can rest." I said. "Ok take care of her for me. Goodnight." She said. "Goodnight." I responded and then she walked out. I sat down on the couch and just stared at Angela. Should I tell Hiro about this? But he's busy I don't want to bother him. But also I want her to tell him herself. But....idk. I thought.

Then, Angela opened her eyes a little bit. I got close to her to see if I was just seeing things. She opened her eyes slowly and then she looked at me. "Jason?" She murmured. "Yea it's me." I said. She started to look around. "Where am i?" She asked. "Your in the hospital." I replied. "How did I get here?" She asked. Suddenly, the doctor came. "Hello I'm the doctor here." He said. "Oh nice to meet you. I'm her friend." I said. "Ok so according to the files, the injuries are not serious, which is good news, all she has to do is rest for a few days and I also recommend her to make an appointment for physical therapy just to see if there's any more injuries in the body, cuz there might be some, even though it doesn't hurt. It can be triggered overtime so make sure you do that. Also, it seemed that she was emotional while driving, which is dangerous. So talk to her about it. I'll also recommend to take pain killers for the injuries as well. That should be all." He finished. "Thank for taking care of her, doctor." I said. "No problem, have a nice night." He said as he walked out. "Angela....what happened? Why did it end up like this?" I whispered. "Do you really want me to tell you?" She asked. "Yea of course." I said worried. "Ok."

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