I'm Not Giving Up

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*flashback but this time in his POV*

Sorry if it's long Lolz


I was getting ready for the concert. Hopefully she can hear me out. I want her back really bad. I wore a full white outfit, except my jacket and my sneakers are black. I took my phone and my keys and went out.

By the time I got to the venue but taxi, it was packed. A lot of fans were still waiting in line to get in and already screaming in excitement. "This is gonna be crazy." I said to myself. When the line shortened, I went inside. I squeezed myself to the front to get a better view. Obviously people were pissy but I didn't care. I wanted to see her.

The show started and everyone was hype. A band came out, but it wasn't the one that Angela was in. It was another band that I don't recognize. I looked at the background and it said "Nocturnal Bloodlust." Huh... I nodded interested. Then I looked at each member. They're really brutal and extreme but somehow they're cool in a way. I looked at the vocalist and he looked really familiar. Then it popped in my head. He was the person that I saw at the store with Angela. So he's the one she's with? I thought.

Time Skip
After ATD finished, Angela was making an announcement. "To end this, we've decided to sing this for you guys." She said. The crowd was murmuring with wonder. I wonder too. "It's a cover by The Lumineers and it's called Blue Christmas so...Hiro would you come up please?" She looked to the side and I saw him coming on stage. Unexpected thing was that he kissed her temple. I kinda hurt my heart when I saw that. Everyone was screaming and whistling loudly.

They started the song and everyone was quietly. The whole entire set, I was paying attention to Angela. She sounds so sweet and soft. I love her singing so much that I melted. Then another unexpected thing, they held hands while they were singing. God I can't bear to watch. I tried turning my head away.

After the show was over, I went outside the venue. I gotta find a way to get to her. I thought. So looked everywhere outside of the venue until I saw her going to her car. "ANGELA!!" I yelled her name. She turned around but it look like she didn't hear me. "ANGELA!!!" I yelled again but this time I was running to her.

"San..." She said quietly. "Look I know you don't wanna talk to me but just let me explain." I began. I tried I speak but I couldn't because I was panting from running. "Look I want to come to you as a man and as a person, I didn't mean to hurt you and I'm so sorry for the way I acted---" then a punch landed on me. Literally flashed before my eyes. All I know was that I landed on the floor with my hand on my nose because I was bleeding. I looked up and it was Jason.

I was struggling to get up. "You broke Angela's heart. You think that coming up here and apologizing would make everything ok?" Jason asked angrily at him. To be honest, he's right. I don't know if everything will be okay after I apologize. But I have to try. If I don't, I'll be carrying a burden and I don't wanna do that "I..just want to...explain everything." I stood up but unbalanced. "Heh...too late now. She found someone new so why don't you just give up?" Jason said. I know she found someone new, but still. "I won't give up....until Angela hears me out." I said glaring at him. "The fuck did I just say? Give up." Jason landed another punch. I didn't have time to even think about my next move so I fell again and Jason went on top of me. He was about to land another punch until I heard Angela. "STOP!!!!" She yelled. It looked like I don't even have the strength to even lift my head up.

"Just stop...punching him won't do anything." She said. "Yeah and apologizing won't do anything either." He said. "Shut the fuck up Jason. Weren't you the one saying that I'm using Hiro just to forget San? So why are you supporting me now?" She asked angrily. Suddenly, I felt him getting off me and just went inside the car. Then I heard a car drove off. I struggled to stand up again, this time I had more control on my balance.

I was about to say something until another pair of footsteps running to us. "Babe. Are you ok?" Her boyfriend asked. It's the guy. "Yeah I'm fine." She said. "Who's he?" He asked facing me. I looked at him and then I looked at her for an answer. "....just someone I know." She simply said. It kinda hurt me to be honest, but I deserved it. "Oh ok. Nice to meet you, man but, we gotta go so see ya." He said taking her hand into his. I nodded and they went to his car.

I looked at the ground. I left raindrops on my head, then it started to rain harder. Probably deserved that too. Everything till this moment, I deserved it. It's my fault for hurting her. But then I realized why I came here in the first place. To get her back, so why am I sulking about it now. I'm not giving up this fight. Not now. I will try again tomorrow, if we bump into each other by coincidence. I didn't feel like getting a taxi so I walked home. It was a long walk but I didn't care. When I got home, I did my nightly routine and laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling. Hopefully I'll meet her again, then we can talk.

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