Almost time pt.3

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*Days Later*


"You ok Nicole?" Maurice asked me "Nicole"  She touched my arm.

I exhaled a few more time, facing her "I'm ok, let's just sit down for a little bit."

She and I were at the mall exchanging gifts Taejin got from my mini baby shower I had at work. I didn't want to do it by myself and since we hadn't seen each other in a while, I asked her to come with me.

We sat on a bench out of the way from the crowd of people that were shopping. "What's wrong?" She asked concerned.

"I've been having light contractions all day."

"Awwww" She cooed "That means he's about to come." She sang touching my stomach "About time."

I scoffed "Don't get too excited, I'm sure it's nothing."

I'd been to the hospital at least four times already only for them to send me right back home. Frustrated was an understatement of what I was feeling, I didn't want to be induced so I had no choice but to wait until he decided to come.

She smacked her lips "You bout to have him. Are you excited?"

I nodded "Yeah, but more nervous than anything. I hope my water breaks at home so I can beat my face and make sure I look good for pictures and videos."

She didn't say anything right away so I looked at her, she was looking at me like I was stupid.

"Do you really think you'll think to do all of that Nicole?"

"I have hope Maurice." I ate a piece of my colossal M&M chocolate chip cookie that I got from Great American Cookie.

"Let me have some" She reached for my bag making me damn near break my spine from the way I spun my body.

I laughed "Girl now I know we ain't see each other in a while but you know I do not share my food!"

"Really Nicole"

"Yes really! We were just at the place and you decided not to get anything." I sat back normal "Now you trying to get some of mine, I'm not Nic and you not my damn girlfriend."

She busted out laughing "You a mess!"

I shrugged

She bumped my shoulder "Seriously,
how do you feel about giving birth?"

I sighed "I told you, nervous. I just want him to come out healthy, and as long as he does then I'm good."

"What about Tae?"

I rolled my eyes "Don't get me started." I said making her laugh. "I get that he's anxious and scared cause I am too, but he's driving me insane Maurice. Now that I'm home all day I see that he's turned into Mr. Builder Bob. He goes from messing with one thing to the next all day long."

"Awwww, he just wants everything to be in place for when Taejin comes home."

"I know, that's why I don't say anything to him about getting on my nerves." I looked down at my swollen feet.

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