The Very Best Something | Chpt 34

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Wattpad's update. It's a little weird. I still hate orange and I'm just here like 🙃

Also, idk if this is just me or if all people do this, but I make playlists by genre(plus one just from the 2000s from my childhood) to listen to while I write so if I want a specific mood then I'll listen to that playlist.

Idk if that's weird.


(Y/n)'s POV

"Here you go buddy," I murmured, handing Charlie a little piece of food. I was sat with the Nifflers in an empty room, Charlie settled in to the crook of my knee. I yawned slightly, propping my back against the wall and shutting my eyes. I felt extreme exhaustion settle over me, and I couldn't move my arms or legs, my head lulling against the wall gently. I pulled myself awake quickly, the room completely empty except for the few sleeping Nifflers. I stood up placing Charlie with his siblings and peeked out of the classroom.

It was completely empty, the hallway, and I heard the sound for passing period to commence. Students did not begin to flood the hallways, just a hollow sounding wind whistling between stone walls as there was a broken window to my right. I approached, glass all shattered on the grass outside, showing that someone had tried to get out, rather than in, and that jagged glass still attached to the window frame was covered in blood.

How could this happen?

I glanced to my left and right as if crossing the window sill would be like crossing the street. I stepped up, weary of the crimson along the sill of the newly made exit and the jagged teeth of broken glass. I hopped down, seeing a faint trail of blood along trodden grass. I glanced back and suddenly I couldn't see back inside the school.

"Hello?" I called, following along the traveled path, loosing sight of the building quickly. Though logic would urge me to stay from the danger, something deep inside me hinted the danger lurked behind within the halls.


"Hello?" I couldn't tell if the answer were just an echo as I was hoping it would be. However, I suddenly noticed there was no room to echo in the vast empty space of the field I was in. This was not the school or the forbidden forest. It reminded me too much of lousy green areas in the city. "Don't you like it?"

I turned around quickly, noticing it was Lance that stood there behind me. There was no way he could've snuck up behind me, there was nowhere to hide. Where had he come from.


"The field, isn't it nice?" He asked.

"I suppose."

"It's nice, but not as nice as you. I'm sure you knew that though," he paused glancing around. I now noticed the blood dripping from his hands and shirt.

"That was you that went through the window," I breathed and he glanced at me.

"How else was I to escape?"

"Escape what?" I asked and he turned to look out at the field again.

"What you escaped too," he said, his voice low and grave. "How did you get here?"

"I walked."

"Through the water?"

"What wate—" I glanced around, realizing now that I was on a sort of beach, not the type to stick sand between your toes, but with watery grass all the way to the edge of the water, the water that had suddenly appeared.

I was dreaming.

That's it.

"You couldn't have swam, you don't know how to swim," Lance said. I glanced to him, a fakeness to him, one that my mind created about him.

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