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Anaya's POV

" Good choice of words, Ms. Frost." One of the bodyguards said.

" Thank you, Mr..." I stopped looking at him in a questioning look.

" I am Ali and he is Drake." That guy said.

" Nice to meet you, Ali and Drake. But not your boss. Tell me one thing why is he stalking me?" I asked glaring at the Zayn guy who was smirking at me. I rolled my eyes.

" We don't know. You should ask him. He knows that better." Drake said and he glared at him.

" I think he has some mental issue." I said.

" No, he is perfectly fine." Ali said.

" Then why is he stalking me." I asked him.

" We don't have any idea." Ali said and got a glare as well. I sighed.

" No use of stalking me. I am not someone special." I said.

" You are very charming." Drake said. " Just like my sister Sanaa."

" Oh, she is like me?" I asked him.

" Yes, but a but savage as well." He said and I chuckled.

" Oh, then you are lucky. I don't have any siblings but I have some close friends." I said.

" We know that." Ali said. I sighed.

" Of course, you guys know that. After all your boss is stalking me." I said glaring at him who seemed not to be effected by that glare. " Don't you have any other thing to do but stalking me?" I asked him.

" No. It is the most important one." He said.

" Stop smirking. You look like an idiot." I said. He chuckled.

" Where are you going?" He asked me.

" None of your business." I said.

" To the head quarter of GS?" He asked me and I looked at him weirdly. How does he know everything about me?!! I glared at him. He just shrugged.

" It's wrong to intrude into someone's personal space." I complained.

" I haven't intrude in your personal space. Everyone knows that you work in GS." He said and suddenly I realized he is right. People around knows that I work in GS. I realized how he has come to know my name.

Errrrrr.... it's so embarrassing!!!! I was calling him a stalker!!! That was really really embarrassing.

" What happened?" He asked me.

" Errrr... nothing." I said. " I gotta go."

" Where are you going?" He asked me.

" I have done works to do." I said.

" Hey, stop!!! What happened suddenly?" He asked me.

" Nothing. See you may be some time later." I said and ran out of there.

God!!! What was I thinking about!!! Anaya!!! You are crazy.

I got a taxi and reached GS head quarter. I ran inside. I wanted to hide somewhere. How can I act like that?!! Shit!!!

" Watch out!!!" I heard Cindy's voice and looked around found her standing in front of me with a weird expression because I was about to bump into her and she was trying to save herself from me because you was holding piles of papers which were not arranged yet. I sighed. God!!! What's wrong with me?!!

" Let me help you." I said.

" No no. Don't touch. Everything will be spoiled." She said and I nodded.

" Ok go then." I said and turned to go to my cabin but I heard her squeals. I turned and sighed. She literally has fallen down with all the papers. I ran to her and helped her to stand up.

" You ok?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes.

" No, I am not. Everything got messed up again. God!!! How will I arrange them back?" She asked me.

" What are these actually?" I asked her.

" The old magazine. Had a plan. But I have to arrange it again." She said.

" No worries. I will help you. Let's go." I said.

" You have to go a meet Malia today. If you have forgotten." She said.

" I will meet her later. I will call her later." I said to her and she nodded.

" If you say so." She said and I chuckled.

" Have you fought with Steve today?" I asked her.

" He doesn't fight with me. Irritating guy." She said.

" You just haven't said that." I said.

" Oh, yes I have done it." She said.

" Alright. Let's go. Let's arrange it first." I said and helped her to take all those papers which were currently on the floor.

" Where is RD today?" I asked her.

" She hasn't come yet. You have gone to your college, what has your professor said?" She asked me.

" Nothing hopeful. He said it can't be done easily." I said.

" Now what?" She asked me.

" If nothing helps then I will just drop the next semester." I said.

" Hey!!! No. You will not do that." She said.

" Then it won't work. I have to concentrate on the work then studies. Both will be messed up. If it was only for the exams then I just could help myself studying hard for a few days but attending classes will be hard to handle." I said. " I mean there is only 24 hours in a day."

" Yeah, I know that. But don't lose hope. There must be a way to solve this problem. If you can handle this for awhile." She said.

" Let's see." I said nodding mindlessly.

" What happened to you today? Where are you lost?" Suddenly she asked me.

" Where am I lost?" I asked her.

" I don't know. You are not listening to me carefully." She said.

" Oh, what were you saying?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes.

" What happened, Anaya?" She asked me calling my name that means she is serious and it's better not to irritate her now. I sighed and told her everything what happened today in the college. She started to laugh at once and I glared at her.

" You are crazy." She said.

" It's not my fault. He was acting like he is a stalker." I said.

" May be he had something else to do there. He wasn't stalking you, girl. Relax." She said.

" It was so embarrassing. Urrrggh!!!" I said.

" Definitely it would be." She said.

" Urrrggh!!! I hate you." I said.

" I love you too, Annie." She said throwing an air kiss at me. I rolled my eyes.

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