Perfect Match

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Anaya's POV

" Have we met before?" Amaira asked me.

" Ahhh, no I guess." I said to her.

" You seem very known to me. I really don't know why." She said and I looked at her weirdly.

" Ahem!!!" I cleared my throat. " There are some people whose face always seems to be very similar to people." I said tried to remove the awkwardness here.

I don't know why but it seemed to be more awkward now. I gave an awkward point here. They must be thinking that I am a foolish. I really am. They looked at me weirdly. I sighed inwardly.

" Alright. But not for that. I am sure I have seen you somewhere. This is why you look so similar to me. Not at all for any kind of weird thing." She said.

" May be. You might have read or seen my interview." I said. " Or you might have been there in some of our event." I said. Well, that seems more sensible answer then the previous one.

" Well, may be. I can't remember." She said.

" May be you remember soon." I said.

" Yes. I will. I got a feeling that there is something very important hidden in this topic." She said to me. I chuckled.

" What do you think that can be?" I asked her.

" I don't have any idea. But there is definitely something very important." She said to me.

" I don't know why do you think like that but Elif already thinks that her brother has got kidnapped. She must be searching for him in the whole venue. He should call her and tell her that he is fine there is no issue."  I said and turned to Zayn who rolled his eyes.

" See, Zayne, everyone is worried about you." Amaira said.

" Zayne?!" I asked her weirdly

" She is crazy sister of Elif. Don't listen to her." He said and I chuckled.

" It's cute though." I said.

" I hate you." He said to his older sister and she chuckled.

" I love you too, little cute chubby baby." She said and he glared at her. I pressed my lips hard to stop myself from laughing out loud. She chuckled.

" You are annoying." He said.

" Ok. I agree with you. But you love this annoying sister of yours, don't you?" She asked him. He rolled his eyes then walked back to the event venue. She started to laugh and I joined her wholeheartedly.

" Well, what are you doing here, Annie?" She asked me. I chuckled.

" You can call me Ann. It's my nickname." I said and she nodded smilingly.

" The bride Gina Fransis is my close friend. We are here to attend her wedding." I said.

" Oh, I forgot about it. You must be her friend as she is a model." She said.

" Don't you like her?" I asked her. She chuckled.

" My liking or disliking doesn't matter only thing matters is they themselves like each other or not." She said and I nodded. True.

" I do believe that they do." I said to her.

" Then the problem is solved." She said. " They have to live with each other for the rest of their lives. They must have thought very well before taking this decision." She said and I nodded.

" That's right." I said.

" What were you doing here at this time? The ceremony must have started already." She said.

" I know. I had come to talk to my friend. She couldn't attend the ceremony for some family issue. So, she had called me. But there is too much inside the venue to attend the call. This why came outside. I saw Ali and Drake then. They were talking to you. I was going back then I met Zayn. Rest you know what happened." I said and she chuckled.

" Oh. Ok then." She said.

" What are you doing here? Is there any problem?" I asked her.

" A stupid." She said.

" Which stupid?" I asked her.

" The one whom my parents has chosen for me." She said.

" What has he done?" I asked her.

" Don't talk about him. He is a stupid." She said.

" What has he done?" I asked her. I didn't tell her what her sister has done awhile back. Then there will be a mess.

" You know on first meeting he said he likes me from the University days and now that we are getting married then he will start to love me from this instant and other things. He kept eating my brain." She said and I chuckled. Elif!! Girl, if your sister finds it out then she will kill you.

" Oh, it's good, isn't it? He was straight forward. No drama no hesitation." I said to her.

" Stubborn and obstinate guy he is. I mean if he wants something he will get it anyhow." She said.

" Oh, you know him as well?" I asked her.

" Just met him once or twice in the business conference. That time he was quite sensible but today he acted weird." She said. I chuckled.

" He may really like you." I said. She twisted her lips.

" Who told him to like me?" She asked and I chuckled. " If I find him around again I don't know what I will do to him." She said.

" You can give me a kiss, I don't mind." I heard someone saying from back. I turned to see the guy standing there with a smirk on his face. I chuckled. This must be that guy. She was looking at him with fire blazing eyes.

" You..." She was going towards him but I stopped her holding her hands.

" It's your cousin's engagement ceremony today. Calm down." I said and she looked at me then stopped.

" Don't show me your face." She said.

" What did you say? I didn't hear you." He said.

" Go away before I do something to you and you regret about it later" She said. He chuckled and reached us.

" Won't you introduce your friend with your husband to be?" He asked her and she rolled her eyes. I smiled and extended my hand.

" Hi!!! I am Annie Frost. Bride's friend." I said to him. He shook my hand smilingly.

" You might know me by now. Hasn't she admired me a lot?" He asked and I chuckled. Perfect match. Ice for fire.

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