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Zayn's POV

" Where is Amaira?" Elif asked Ali.

" She is in her room." Drake said.

" She came out awhile back and had a coffee went back to her room again without saying anything." Ali said.

" Oh, ok. Come with us." Elif said to them. They nodded.

" Everything ok?" Ali asked me. I sighed.

" You will know in awhile. But where is Mom and Dad?" I asked him.

" They have gone to your uncle's house. Will be late. They told you to have dinner already without waiting for them." He said and I nodded.

" Ok. It's better that they are not at home." I said to them.

" Why is that?" Ali asked me and I nodded.

" I will tell you later." I said to him.

" Ok. But is that anything serious?" Ali asked me.

We reached Amaira's room and knocked on the door.

" Why isn't she opening the door?" Ali asked.

" Amaira!!!" Elif called her.

" Amaira you ok?" Drake asked.

" Open the door, girl." Ali said. I knocked on the door harder.

" Coming." She said from inside. She opened the door and her head was covered with that headscarf. She must have offered her prayer just now.

" You are late offering prayer." Drake said.

" No, did it long back. I slept again." She said and I chuckled.

" Ok." I said.

" We have a news to share with you." Elif said.

" Which news?" She asked as we went inside the room.

" What the hell has happened with those books?" I asked her as I found most of them on the ground.

" I was arranging them." She said.

" But you said you were sleeping." I said

" I mean..  I was arranging them. Then I felt sleepy. So, I went to sleep decided to arrange them later." She said and we kept looking at her weirdly.

" Ahem.. what were you guys going to talk about?" She asked us.

" Umm ..hmm... It's kinda shocking news. You guys have seat at first." Elif said to them.

" What shocking now?!  Jaberi is dead?" Amaira asked

" No, paralyzed." I said.

" Better. Let him suffer." Amaira said.

" But the shocking news is not that. Everyone have seat please." Elif said to them and we sat on the balcony.

" What is the shocking news that you guys were talking about?" Ali asked me.

" It depends on how strong your heart is. We don't want you to have a heart attack hearing this news." Elif said. I sighed.

" Ok, you know we have the strong one. You can start over." Drake said.

" It's really very shocking. You don't even have any idea how shocking it is." Elif said and I sighed.

It was really shocking. Who knew it will come out like this!!! This news is going to left everyone dumbfounded. I mean just yesterday we were talking about this and suddenly this come to light like out of nowhere will definitely shock everyone. So, we have to take it slowly. I mean I don't know if Amaira is that strong to have that sudden shock.

" Come on. Don't drag it miles away. Just tell that." Drake said.

" Ok... Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem." Elif said and everyone rolled their eyes at her dramatic ways.

" Yeah. Now say what is that?" Ali asked her.

" We found ..umm..." She looked at me and I chuckled.

" An ancient tree?" Drake asked and she glared at him.

" Or a treasure in your closet?" Ali asked.

" I wasn't at home today." She said.

" Then what have you found? Is that very important? I have to go home. Saana must be waiting for me." Drake said.

" Yes, it is important. Tell Said to come here at our place for tonight." Elif said.

" Then tell that at once. Why are you tying knot after knot on this topic?" Ali asked her

" I am preparing myself mentally." Elif said.

" You say that, Zayn. She will not be able to tell this to us." Amaira said to me.

" Nooooooo...I am telling that." Elif said.

" Yeah, tell us." She said.

" We found someone. You will be very happy to hear that. I bet." Elif said. I nodded.

" Say that now." I said to Elif and she nodded.

" Allah, help me." She said and I chuckled. " We found the person we were looking for all these years." She said.

" Yes, we have found Jaberi what's wrong with that? You guys said that yesterday." Amaira said.

" Ufffoo... Not Jaberi. Not him. Not at all." Elif said.

" Then tell us who is that?" Amaira asked her.

" It's Annie." Elif said.

" What's wrong with Annie? Is she ok?" Ali asked.

" Annie is perfectly fine." Elif said.

" Then what happened?" Amaira asked.

" We found her." Elif said.

" Found her? Where have you found her?" Ali asked.

" We found her in the hospital." Elif said and I sighed deeply.

" Why??! Anything happened to her?" Drake asked.

" No, she went to the hospital to visit Jaberi." Elif said.

" Ok. Then you found her. You will definitely find her if she goes to visit the same person at the same time. What use of all these dramas?" Ali asked her.

" Urrrggh... can't you guys understand  what I am talking about?!!" Elif asked them.

" You haven't said anything clearly. How will we understand girl?! Come to the point." Ali said..

" I am talking the exact points." Elif said.

" Ok. We understood that. Thanks for enlightening us." Amaira said.

" But I haven't finished yet. You guys haven't get it at all." Elif said and I sighed deeply.

" Then tell us." Drake said irritatingly.

" We have found Anaya." I said and they rolled their eyes.

" Ok." Amaira said.

" True." Elif said.

" Really?! Then why haven't you guys brought her home? Where is she now?" Ali asked me.

" She is safe and sound she is in her hotel room. No need to worry. She is with her friends." Elif said.

" How are you sure that she is Anaya? Do you know her?" Ali asked me and I sighed deeply.

" Not only me. You guys know her as well." I said to him.

" Really?!! Who is that??" Amaira asked. I took a deep breath.

" Annie." I said and everyone looked at me weirdly.

" What?!!" They said unison. I knew this will be their reaction.

SLS#5# The Lost HeiressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora