What's Wrong With Me?

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Anaya's POV

" Let's go. Let's explore the city." Tracy said to me.

" Alone?" I asked her.

" Where are we alone? There is you and me. That means we are we. We are not singular number. We are 2." She said and I chuckled.

" Yes, we are plural number." I said.

" I have come here before. No worries. I know this city a bit. We will not get lost anywhere. Even if we get lost somewhere Bro will find us out. No worries. I do believe in him with my eyes closed." She said and I chuckled.

" Ok. Give me 15 minutes. I will get ready at first." I said to her.

" Ok. Go. Get ready." She said and I got ready quickly. When I came back I found Tracy and Finn were fighting again.

" Shut up, you little mouse." Tracy said.

" You are not queen Victoria as well. You are a pumpkin." Finn said.

" You are an octopus." She said.

" You are a donkey." He said.

" You are a monkey." She said.

" You are a Hyena." Finn said.

" You are a crocodile." She said.

" You are a snake." He said.

" You a frog. Hihihihi." She said.

" You are a earthworm." He said.

" You are bacteria." She said

" You are are a virus. Deadly one." He said

" You are sour porridge." She said.

" You are rotten tomato." He said

" You are rotten egg." She said.

I sighed deeply. There is sign of stopping. I sat there listening to their bickering. Kids!!!

" Are you guys done or you need more time to finish." I asked them when it was going on and on. They turned to me. " No, I mean if you guys need time then take your time. I can go out and enjoy some time alone viewing the beautiful city outside." I said to them and they stopped at once.

" I will go with you." Finn said.

" Not at all. You are not going with us." Tracy said to Finn.

" Us?! You are not going with us. Ann and I are going. You are not." He said.

" It was my plan. I am definitely going. You are not coming with us." Tracy said to Finn.

" Yes, it was her plan. We can't leave her." I said to him.

" Alright. You can come with us then." Finn said.

" Shut up." Tracy said. I chuckled. These kids are just awesome. But sometimes too much irritating as well. Like they were fighting awhile back.

We came out of the suite and reached the lobby of the floor. Basically the whole floor was empty because Flynn Campbell has booked all of it. He is extremely careful about the security of his family. We were passing the receptionist.

" Where are you all going?" Suddenly we heard a familiar voice from back and turned to see Flynn standing there with the sleeping baby Tris in his arms who was burying his face on his neck and clutching on his brother tightly. I smiled looking at them. God may keep them happy and protected always.

" We were going to explore the city, Bro." Tracy said excitedly.

" And who gave you the permission?" Flynn asked her.

" Come on, Bro." She said but it didn't work. " Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please...." She kept whining.

" Stop it. Are you a kid?" He said to her then sighed deeply. " Ferguson!!! Ferguson!!!" He called the old man.

" What happened?" Ferguson asked him.

" Go with them." He said.

" Nooooooo... He will kill all the excitement. Can't take him, Bro. Can we take Cameron with us?" Tracy said.

" If you go with him then you can go out but if not then sorry to say that I can't help you." He said and I sighed.

" But Bro-" Tracy was saying.

" No argument." Flynn sealed the topic. There were no other chance to talk on this topic any more. It's better if he comes with us. First of all we don't know this city very well. Secondly we need protection as well. He will keep us protected.

" Let's go, kids." Ferguson said.

" I hate you, Ferguson." Tracy said.

" Awww, I love you too, Tres." He said ruffling her hair. I chuckled.

" It will be boring now." Tracy made a face.

" It will be enjoyable with me. You remember last time on rollercoaster? You enjoyed it right?" He asked her.

" Yes, of course if getting a heart attack almost is in enjoying then yes very much." Tracy rolled her eyes. I chuckled.

We came out and was roaming around. The city was really very beautiful. We went to a mall and we had ice cream together. I introduced with many new street food around before while roaming around and there were seafoods as well. I loved it. I think everyone did.

" Let's have something first. I am dying." Finn said.

" Is that your stomach or a tanker?" Tracy asked him and I chuckled.

" Not like yours. Yours one can be compared with hummingbird." He said and I chuckled.

" You..." She was saying

" Ssssssshhhhhh I am hungry. Don't irritate me. I will eat you alive then." He said to her.

" Cannibal." She rolled her eyes.

" Thanks, sis." He said to her. I chuckled.

We entered the restaurant nearby. We got a table nearby and sat there. We had our orders. I was already full by having those street food. I only ordered for a coffee. I took a photo of the food and send it to Cindy to make her jealous. She is a big foodie. She loves food more than herself. May be a bit more than Steve. But this girl completely forgets the world when she is tensed. I saw her how she was tensed when Steve had that accident and lost his memory. She thought he will not get his memory back ever.

I looked around and my eyes stuck on a familiar face. I looked at him weirdly. Because he was with a girl. They were looking very close to each other. I suddenly started to feel awkward. Damn!!! What's wrong with me?!!

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