Mood Spoiler

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2 weeks later...

Anaya's POV

" Naya!!" I heard Safi. I turned and she hugged me tightly.

" Hey!!" I said to her.

" How are you?" She asked me.

" I am perfectly fine. What about you?" I asked her.

" Where is that kidnapper?" She asked me and I chuckled pointing him. She gulped a bit.

" Has he done anything to you? If he has then tell me. I will tell my dad abd he will handle him." She said and I chuckled.

" No need, Safi. He is my husband." I said.

" You accepted him?" She asked me.

" Or what would I do?" I asked her.

" You can file a case against him." She said. I chuckled.

" Actually what happened was I was very angry with him and he was very angry with me. We fought nastily. So, you know I left and he tried to stop me. When nothing worked he decided to do that." I said.

" Oh, you guys know each other from the start?" She asked me.

" Yeah." I said.

" You guys were dating?" She asked me.

" Ummm.... No, I mean." I was trying to say something but my mother in law came to us.

" Hey!!! What are you doing here, love? Your friend was searching for you." She said.

" Actually, She... Mom, I mean...." I was trying to explain it. But I was stuttering because my mother in law was already glaring at Safi. " Safi, she is my mother in law." I said to Safi.

" Oh. Assalamualaikum, Ma'am." Safi said.

" Hmm... Walaikumassalm. How are you, dear?" She asked her.

" Alhamdulillah me fine. What about you?" She asked her.

" I am fine too." She said. " Go, girl. Gina is calling you." She said.

It was Gina's wedding today. The whole mansion was decorated beautifully. I was searching for Gina. Suddenly I found Mrs. Rashes coming toward me. I tried to walk past her. But she stopped just in front of me.

" Excuse me." I tried to walk past her again.

" Aren't you Anaya?" She asked me.

" Me?!" I asked her.

" Yes. You. You are Anaya." She said. I chuckled.

" Yes, I am Anaya. Do you want to ask anything else, Mrs. Rashesd?" I asked her. She looked at me weirdly.

" I heard you are no more." She said.

" Why?! Would you be happy if I wasn't no more?" I asked her.

" What?!! No... not at all." She said. "You have changed a lot." She said.

" Yes, I have grown up." I said.

" I thought you are no more." She said.

" If you keep trusting people around you blindly then you can get wrong information. It's not your fault. Not at all." I said to her.

" People around me?" She said.

" Like your husband...." I stopped to see her reaction. She was listening to me calmly. " Or you neighbor or your friends."

" Why were you refusing it that day?" She asked me.

" I wasn't brave enough to face things." I said to her.

" Which things?" She asked me.

" What are you doing here? They are searching for you." Elif said to me. "Oh, Mrs. Rashed. My brother was searching for his wife. Can I take her?" Elif asked her.

" She is your brother's wife?" She asked Elif.

" Yes. My one and only sister in law. Isn't she cute?" She asked her.

" Yes, she is." Mrs. Rashed said smilingly.

" Gotta go. Talk to you later." I said to her.

We walked toward the guest. I found Steve standing beside Cindy without any expression. I chuckled. Well, grandma liked him a lot. I mean Steve has got that personality. Well, Zayn has got a lecture from him and and a to-do and not to-do list as well.

" Where were you?" Amaira asked me.

" Talking to Mrs. Rashed." Elif said and I glared at her.

" Why were you talking to her?" She asked me

" She just came in front of me." I said to her.

" Ok. Come." She said.

" Hey!!! Where were you vanished?" Chloe asked me.

" I was ... Leave it." I said to her.

" There is the bride." She said.

" Congratulations, bride!!!" I said hugging her tightly. She chuckled.

" Who knew you would get married before me?" She asked me and I sighed deeply.

" It's not my fault anyways." I said to her.

" Who said it's your fault?!" She asked me.

" Congratulations, Groom." I said to Saahil who gave me a soft smile.

" Don't keep falling around." He said to me and I rolled my eyes.

Then one by one people started to say some special words to the bride and groom. It came my turn and I went to the stage. I was so messed saying a word about Gina because most of the time she created trouble and we had to clear that which I couldn't share. Gina was glaring at me all the time. At lest I finished the speech saving my life from Gina. Congratulations to me. Sigh!!! It was Zayn's turn and he smiled at everyone. His cousin's started to cheer for him. He cleared his throat and started.

" Well, umm... There are a lot of words running in my head. Trying to catch them up. First of all of course congratulations to the bride and groom on this precious moment of their life. A moment which will never be fade away from their memory ever. Hope they have an amazing journey ahead in their life. Because love is never perfect. It is not a fairytale not a romantic novel. Love never comes easy, it's hard to get and hard to cherish. Love is overcoming obstacles, facing rough times, challenging the fate and fighting to meet each other in the end of all the roads to be together forever, holding on and never letting go, never giving up even their is an ocean of obstacles in the path. Love is a short word, easy to spell but difficult to define and impossible to live without. Love may be a spell but most of it is realizing the thing that you made every hour, every minute, every second together." He said and stopped. People were cheering for him and he walked towards us while delivering the speech. I was listening to him like there is a spell casted around.

" Love is complicated and sometimes very very twisted. But the moment you realize that is your moment then never let it go." He said and stopped in front of me. " For me it's now. Because she said to do it in front of everyone." He said and knelt in front of me. People started to cheer crazily. He gave me a small velvet box and gestured me to open it. I opened it and it was empty. I glared at him and he laughed. He extended his hand toward me. I narrowed my eyes but hold his hand. " Be mine." He said. I rolled my eyes. He chuckled and put the ring on my finger. He stood up and everyone was cheering for us.

" Over dramatic." I said. He chuckled.

" You asked for that." He said.

I rolled my eyes though I was very happy that he was coming out of his shell. But it was amazing. I can't believe he did it.

" Believe it. You are not dreaming." I heard his voice and sighed. Mood spoiler.

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