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Zayn's POV

" Come on, Bro. Walk with me. There are some girls who have already started to ogling you." Elif said and I sighed deeply.

" I can protect myself, girl." I said to her.

" No, you can't. Come on. You are property of my dear future SIL." She said and I looked at her weirdly.

" SIL?!" I asked her.

" Sister in law, Bro. Sister in law." She said and I chuckled. This girl is really crazy.

" Yeah, who is not yet found." I said.

" What about, Annie?" She asked me. I sighed deeply.

" I mean it's not fixed that we will get married. Anything can happen." I said

" Why are you always like that?" She asked me.

" Like what?!" I asked her.

" Think something negative." She said to me.

" I am not thinking anything negative. I am trying to show you the reality. It can be happen." I said.

" You keep those negative things to yourself. Let me tell you what will happen in near future. Soon after Amaira's wedding Annie and you will get married as well. Then I will get my 10 nieces and nephews in 5 years." She said and I looked at her weirdly. This girl is crazy. She needs her nieces and nephews at any cost.

" Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes.

" Bro, has that Daniyal guy came today in the ceremony?" She asked me.

" Which Daniyal?" I asked her.

" Ufffoo, Bro. The one Mom and Dad were talking about." She said to me. I narrowed my eyes at her.

" Do you like him? He is almost 14 years older than you." I said to her and she rolled her eyes.

" I am not interested in him. Mom, Dad was talking about him because they want to get Amaira married with him. I am still a kid, Bro. I am so innocent. I don't even know what the word called 'love' means." She said batting her lashes innocently. I chuckled.

" Yeah, so innocent." I said to her.

" You know what, Bro? You are so innocent as well. See, people around?" She told me and I narrowed my eyes at her.

" Why will I? There are people looking at you?" I asked her.

" How will you know if you don't look around?" She asked me. I chuckled.

" Let's go. They must be waiting for us." I said to her.

" Show me that Daniyal guy. He must have come today. I want to see if he is really good for Amaira or not." She said and I chuckled. I looked around for awhile but didn't see him around.

" May be he hasn't reach yet." I said.

" Hmm.. but I want to see him. He has to face my interrogation before he could reach Amaira." She said.

" Ok, but let him come at first. He is nowhere to be found yet." I said.

" No sense of time. Point to be noted." She said to herself.

" He might have stuck in the traffic. You saw how crazy it was today?" I asked her. She nodded.

" Ok, erase that point." She said to herself. I chuckled

" So, if things are not as you think you will not let Amaira marry him?" I asked her.

" Of course. You will see that." She said to me.

" If Dad wants to get them married then?" I asked her.

" Dad, loves me more than you both. He will listen to me. After all I will not want anything bad for my sister. I love her a lot but a bit less than you. I love you unconditionally " she said and I looked at her weirdly. Then chuckled. This little girl!!!.

" There is Daniyal." I said to her and she looked at the direction I have pointed.

" Which one?" She asked me.

" The was wearing black suit." I said to her.

" Let's go. Let's meet him." She said to me.

" Wait, girl." I tried to stop her but like she will listen to me ever. We reached there and found Daniyal talking to some people. He turned and found us. He smiled at us.

" Assalamualaikum. How are you doing?" He asked me.

" Walaikumassalm. Alhamdulillah good. What about you?" I asked him.

" Everything is going great. Alhamdulillah." He said. Elif was looking at him sharply may be trying to calculate something. " That's Elif, right? You have grown up." He said

" No, I should have remain a child forever." She said and I sighed. Daniyal was looking at her weirdly.

" She has a sharp mouth. Sorry for that." I said to him. " Sorry for that. Please don't mind." I said and he chuckled.

" It's ok. She is just a kid." He said and she glared at him

" Excuse me!!! I am 17 and soon to be 18. You can't call me a kid." She whined at once.

" Elifffff!!!" I tried to stop her.

" It's ok, Zayn. But why is she so aggressive to me?" He asked me.

" She wants to take your test if your are good for Amaira or not." I said and he chuckled.

" Oh, then it's ok. Every siblings thinks like that. It's not their fault." He said and I sighed. " What do you want me to do to pass the test?" He asked her.

" You have to buy me tons of chocolates and fullfil my wishes sometimes." She said.

" That's it?" He asked her.

" No. That was optional. You have to prove that you are the right person for my sister. It's not so easy. Mind it." She said. He chuckled.

" Ok, ok. What do I have to do for that?" He asked her.

" If you can make Amaira fall in love with yourself then I will accept you as my brother in law." She smirked at him. He smirked back.

" Really?!! That's not hard work at all." He said and she twisted her lips.

" Alright. Only you think like that. No one else do. I hope I could wish you luck but I already know that you will fail. But still all the best. Try hard. May Allah help you then." Elif said and he chuckled.

" Ok." He said.

" Ok, Allah Hafiz. See you later. My sister is there with my parents if you want to meet them." Elif said. I sighed. " Let's go, Bro." She pulled me with herself. Suddenly she left me and ran into the crowd I looked at her weirdly. But the moment I found the person she was hugging I got frozen there. What is she doing here?!!

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