Like Brother Like Sister

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Anaya's POV

I woke up slowly and then looked at the ceiling with my sleepy eyes. Where am I? I got up at once then remembered what happened yesterday. I pulled the duvet over me and tried to sleep again. But sleep was far far away from me. I kept tossing for awhile then got up.

" Good morning, Anaya." I said to myself.

" Bad morning, lazy girl." I heard his voice from there. I looked at the direction and found him working on his laptop. I twisted my lips.

" What's wrong?" He asked me.

" Why is this bad morning?" I asked.

" Why are you waking up late?" He asked me.

" What should I do wake up early in the morning?" I asked him and he looked at me weirdly.

" Really?! You missed your prayer."  He said to me.

I sighed. I haven't been praying for long. I almost forgot the process. I am only Muslim for name. I have practiced none of those acts for several years.

" What happened?" He asked me.

" Errr..." I said.

" Any problem?" He asked me

" No. No problem." I said. " Actually, ummm.... I ..." I don't know how to say that.

" You what?" He asked me.

" Umm.. I forgot those." I said to her.

" You what??!" He asked me weirdly.

" I forgot how to pray and all." I said. He shook his head.

" I will learn them back. Soon. In sha Allah." I said to him.

" Don't tell me that you have forgotten to read Arabic." He said. " That's your mother tongue anyways."

" No, no. I do remember that. I haven't forgotten that." I said to him.

" Good then. Go, get freshen up and come downstairs. Have your breakfast." He said. " Daniyal will come to talk to you about your case." He said.

" Why will Daniyal talk to me about my case?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes

" Will you fight the case yourself?" He asked me.

" No." I said.

" Then you will need a lawyer." He said.

" Yes." I said to him.

" This is why he will come to talk to you." He said.

" Why? He knows someone who can fight my case?" I asked him and he sighed.

" He himself will fight your case." He said and I looked at him weirdly.

" What?!" He asked me.

" Is he a lawyer?" I asked him.

" Yes. He is." He said. " He has studied in the same college you are studying right now." He said.

" Oh!!!" I said. " I didn't know that. When does he works at his office then?" I asked myself.

" He seldom works as a lawyer." He said.

" Then why did he studied law?" I asked him.

" Why are you studying law? I am damn sure you are not going to be a lawyer in future." He said and I sighed.

" RD forced me to continue or else I would have dropped out after the first semester." I said honestly. He rolled his eyes.

" Very good. Student of the year." He said and I chuckled.

" I was never in that study materials. Just RD kept dragging me till college. I wanted to stay illiterate otherwise." I said. He shook his head.

" Go, get freshen up." He said and I chuckled. It's fun to irritate him. He stood up and went out of the room. I chuckled. I got up and got freshen up. Then I went to Elif's room. I had to change my clothes.

" Elif!!" I called her.

" Yes?" She said to me. She was getting ready for her school.

" I have to get changed. See, I am wearing this from last 3 days." I said.

She chuckled and showed me her closet.

" I am going. I am getting late." She said and kissed on my cheeks then ran out of the room. I chuckled. I changed into something comfortable and came downstairs found Cindy sitting with Grandma and talking to her. I smiled and sat next to Grandma.

" Good morning." I said to everyone.

" Assalamualaikum." Cindy said. I rolled my eyes.

" You pronounced right for the first time though. Walaikumassalm." I said to her.

" Thank you." She said.

" You are welcome." I said.

" Where is everyone?" I asked grandma.

" They went to office and your MIL went to her brother's house." She said.

" Errrrrrrr... They must have waited for me." I said.

" Oh, please... they can understand it was your wedding night." Cindy saud and I glared at her.

" If sleeping like an elephant means wedding night then it's ok." I said to her.

" You always sleep like an elephant. No doubt on that." She said.

" Hey!!!" I said.

" Girls!!! Have breakfast." Grandma said. We kept glaring at each other. I chuckled inwardly. Amaira came and sat across us. She looked at grandma then Cindy. Then me. I looked at her confusedly.

" What happened?" I asked her.

" No, nothing happened." She said and started to have breakfast but she was looking us time to time. Grandma finished her breakfast and went to have rest in her room. Amaira kept looking at us weirdly.

" What?!" I asked her.

" Has grand told you anything?" She asked Cindy.

" What will she tell me?!" Cindy asked her weirdly.

" No. Was asking like that." She said and I nodded. She sighed deeply.

" Actually grandma doesn't like non Muslim people." She said.

" What?!! Why?" I asked her.

" For unknown reason. We know that." She said. Cindy and I looked at each other weirdly.

" She was talking to me very normally." Cindy said. Amaira shrugged. We had our breakfast and I was waiting for Daniyal.

" Daniyal is coming." I said to Amaira who was checking some files.

" What will I do if he comes home?" She asked me. I chuckled.

" What's wrong with him?" Cindy asked me.

" Nothing wrong with him just a few functional part of his brain is missing. That's it. Everything else is fine." She said and I chuckled.

" He is her fiance." I said and Cindy chuckled.

" Oh. Then it's ok." She said and I chuckled.

" Yeah, then and only then it's ok." I said and Amaira glared at us.

" Good morning." I heard Daniyal's voice and turned to see him.

" Bad morning." Amaira said.

Like brother like sister.

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