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Anaya's POV

" Why are you not going inside?" He asked me. I glared at him. I am going to irritate him like hell. Starts from now.

" My feet are hurting. Everything is spinning. Let me stay here for awhile." I said to him.

" Everyone is waiting inside." He said to me.

" Now what will I do?! I can't walk. See my feet are hurting a lot." I said to him. He sighed deeply at my weird behavior.

" Her feet is hurting. Keep standing here. I am going inside." Ali said and walked inside. I sat down on the ground.

" What is... What are you doing?!" He  asked me.

" Taking rest." I said to him

" Like this?" He asked me.

" Yes, Sir. Like this." I said.

" Come on, get up." He said.

" If I could then I would have gone inside already." I rolled my eyes.

" Hmm... I got it." He said.

" Got what?" I asked him. He bend down and picked me up in his arms. I squealed at once. 

" You could say that you want to have a ride. But you have to start drama everywhere." He said.

" What did you say?!" I asked him.

" You heard me once." He said.

" You called me drama queen?!!" I asked him.

" Yes. I did. Now what?" He asked me.

" You!!! Urrrggh!!" I said and he rolled his eyes. " You are not smarter than me. Remember that." I gritted.

" I don't want to be oversmart like you." He said.

" Urrrggh!!!" I gritted.

" Ok, I understand that." He said and entered the house.

" Put me down." I said to him.

" Why?! Your feet are hurting. Aren't they?" He kept holding me tightly.

" Put me down or else...!!!" I gritted.

" Or else? What will you do?" He asked me.

" I will ..." I said.

" Yes. You will what?!" He asked me

" Will bite you hard." I said without thinking anything.

" Yeah, sure. People will understand how much desperate you are." He said and it took a few moments for me to get it what he meant.

" Pervert!!" I said to him. He shrugged.

" You started it anyways. I haven't said anything." He said.

" Get me down. Get me down. Get me down at once." I squealed.

" No. Your feet are hurting, right? How can I let my wife walk like that when her feet are hurting?! I can't right?" He asked me.

" Get me down this instant or else I don't know what will I do to you." I said to him.

" Yes, I also want to see what you can do. I am not getting you down. Let's see." He said to me.

" Please, get me down. Everyone is there." I said to him.

" Wow!!! Requesting now?!! From threatening to requesting." He said. "Improving, huh!!" He said.

" Get me down." I said.

" Next time don't even try to irritate me. If I start then you will not be able to hide anywhere. So, be careful." He said and I rolled my eyes. He chuckled.

" Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I haven't seen anything." We heard Elif's voice who was hiding her face in her palms. I rolled my eyes. He get me down and I stood straight on my feet.

" There is nothing to see anyways. You can look at us." I said to her.

" Are you sure?" She asked me.

" 100% sure." I said to her. She peeked through her fingers then removed her hands from her eyes. She gave us a cute smile.

" Welcome home." She squealed and ran to us. She hugged us both. I chuckled and hugged her back. But twisted my lips at her brother who rolled his eyes in reply.

" Let's go inside. Everyone is waiting." She said to us.

We went inside and I found my best friend already waiting for me there. Traitor. I talked to everyone but ignored her.

" Hey!!! What's wrong?" She asked me.

" Nothing wrong. You are a traitor." I said to her.

" Yeah, right." She rolled her eyes.

" Come. I wanna talk to you." She hold my hand.

" I don't want to talk to you. You are a traitor." I said to her.

" Ann!!!" She glared at me and I sighed

" I don't want to talk to you right now." I said to her.

" But it's important." She said.

" How important it is? More than that fact that you have betrayed me?" I asked her and she glared at me.

" I am serious." She said.

" Yes, me too." I said to her. She narrowed her eyes.

" Ok. Bye." She was going out of there but I stopped her and looked around everyone was busy talking to Zayn.

" Ok. Tell me what is that." I said to her.

" Come with me." She pulled me to the balcony.

" Why so secretive?" I asked her.

" It's a serious topic, Anaya." She said.

" Ssssssshhhhhh." I looked around and pressed my palm on her lips. She removed my hand from her lips.

" You don't have to worry about that. They all know that you are Anaya." She said and I looked at her weirdly.

" What!!!" I asked her.

" Yes." She said.

" What are you talking about?" I asked her.

" Yes. They know. It's you." She said.

" How do they know that?" I asked her.

" They heard you talking to Jaberi." She said.

" How do you know that?" I asked her.

" Zayn has told us." She said.

" Us?" I asked her shockingly.

" To RD and me." She said

" Why didn't you tell me that before?" I asked her.

" He just had told us all these 4 days back. I wanted to talk to you in person. This is why I came here but you had to run away before that. How will I explain you then?" She asked me.

" I mean how... I... How do they know Anaya's story?!" I asked her.

" That's what I am trying to tell you. Will you listen to me before you react?" She asked me.

" Ok. I am sorry. You continue." I said to her and she nodded.

I don't know why I was feeling a bit uncomfortable now. They knew it's me!!! How?!! I was totally shocked.

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