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Anaya's POV

" We will try to close the case today." Daniyal said to me. I nodded. We were currently sitting on the court room.

" No rushes though. I want every single crime of his." I said to him.

" He will accept them. No worries." He said to me.

" Better then." I said to him. He nodded.

Today the other witnesses are going to give their statements. It will be finished today I think.

" Mrs. Miller, Do you know that girl?" Mr. Harrison's voice bring me out of the imagination.

I looked at the person standing on the witness box. I smiled at her. She has turned a bit older but she was still the same charming lady. She was always very kind to me. I used to work in her coffee shop. She helped me a lot that time. Even she helped me to change my name and get the passport as well. But I couldn't contact her again because she forbade to do so.

" Of course, I know her. Her name is Anaya. She used to work in my Cafe." She said and I smiled.

" Very well. Can you tell us if she has ever tell you to accompany her to meet someone?" Mr. Harrison asked her.

" Whenever she used to face any problem she used to come to me at first. So, yeah I meet some of people with her." She said.

" Can you remember if she has ever took you to meet this person?" He asked her pointing Mr. Rasheed. She looked at him sharply.

" Yeah. Mr. Rasheed, right? I was lucky to meet him once in my life." She said to him.

" Was there someone else with you when you met him? Or only you two went to meet him?" He asked her.

" No. Dr. Sampson was with us." She said.

" Can you please tell us about what you were talking that day?" He asked her.

" Well, Anaya's mom was very sick that time. One day she came to the Cafe was crying silently. When I asked her she told me that she needs some money for her mother's treatment. I didn't have enough money that time to help her. We went to him to ask for some money. As Anaya said that he was her father's friend." She said. "But he gave a weird condition which Anaya told you all yesterday. He told her to be his mistress. I was very surprised because he put the same condition to her mother as well. Funny, right?" She asked him. He sighed. I chuckled.

" Mr. Fariz, if you want to ask her anything." Mr. Harrison said to Daniyal.

" No, I don't want to ask anything." Daniyal said.

" Ok, Mrs. Miller thanks for your statement. You can sit there now." Mr. Harrison said.

Then Daniyal seek permission to call Dr. Sampson. She came and looked around. May be she was searching for me. I smiled as she looked at me. She nodded smilingly. This lady helped me a lot as well with my mom. When my mom died for drug overdosed I was so broken. She helped me that time as well. I am very grateful to her as well.

" Dr. Simpson!!" Daniyal said.

" I afraid so." She said.

" Will you please tell us if you know her?" He pointed me.

" Yes, I do know her. Her name is Anaya. Anaya Umraan Uzerli." She said.

" How do you know her?" He asked her.

" Her mother was my patient. She used to come every month with her mom to get her checked up." She said.

" Do you remember if she has ever told you to go with her to meet someone?" Daniyal asked.

" Yes, once she told me to meet her father's friend." She said.

" For what?! Do you remember that? Has she told you any specific reason?" He asked her.

" Yes. She wasn't able to bear the expenses of her mother's treatment anymore. She wanted some financial aid from him." She said.

" Oh, then he helped her?" He asked her. She chuckled dryly.

" He wanted to help though." She said.

" But she didn't take his help?" He said to her. She chuckled again.

" How would she take that? He told her to be his mistress in return of his help." She said and I felt the hold around my shoulder tightened. I looked at Zayn he was looking at that bast*rd very coldly.

" Oh, is that so?" Daniyal asked and she nodded.

" Yes." She said.

" If you meet that guy will you able to recognize him now?" Daniyal asked her.

" Of course. Why not." She said.

" Then tell the court is that guy him?" He pointed at Mr. Rasheed. Dr. Simpson glared at him.

" Yes. He is that person." She said.

" Are you sure?" He asked her.

" 100% sure." She said.

" Ok, then. If you want to ask her something, Mr. Harrison." Daniyal asked him.

" No. I am done." He said.

" Very well." Daniyal said.

" Will Daniyal use that recording?" I asked Zayn.

" May be later." He said to me.

The judge was speaking the but suddenly Safi stood up. We all were looking at her weirdly.

" Your honour, I want to say something before you give your final decision." Safi said.

" If you have anything to say then please come to the witness box." The judge said. She went to the witness box.

" Thank you, your honour, for letting me say something. I have something to show you." She said and opened her bag and gave her phone to Daniyal. " Your honour, like every other kids I always thought that the best father in the world is mine. But I forgot that some people are actually devils in disguise of angel. Your honour, the main suspect of this case Mr. Rasheed is my father." She said and sighed deeply. " Last evening I saw him talking to the other suspects of this case. I went there as I was still confused if my father can do that. But he proved me. He is the worst human being alive. He didn't only kill Anaya's father but many more. He was planning to kill Yilmiz family this evening." She said. " I can't say much, your honour. Please check the video clip." She said and I looked at screen sharply.

We heard them speaking how they killed my father and their planning about killing us. I looked at him weirdly. How can someone be this cruel!!!! I sighed deeply. Every sins will have the end one day. Like it's for him this time. Finally end of his sins.

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