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Anaya's POV

" Where is my sketchbook?" RD asked me and I sighed deeply.

" Did you search it in your bag?" I asked her.

" Oh, thanks, Annie. Love you. Ummmmaaahhhh." She literally pressed her lips on my cheek and gave me a kiss. I shook my head. This girl!!! I mean pregnancy hormones got her good.

She stated to sketch but then stopped suddenly.

" Now what?" I asked her.

" What's that smell?" She asked me.

" Which smell?" I asked her.

" That one. Someone is having chicken sandwich." She said and I shook my head.

" No I haven't got it." I said to her. She sighed.

" Come on. Let's have chicken sandwich." She said to me and I sighed deeply.

" Sit here. We can have it in office as well. I will call them." I said.

" But..." She was saying but I stopped her.

" RD!!!" I gritted. She sighed deeply.

" You don't love me anymore." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" I don't have to love you. Josh loves you more than enough." I said. She pouted like a kid.

" Still I need your love as well." She said.

" And you got it. I love you so much." I said.

" Well, is that true?" She asked me.

" RD!!!" I said.

" Ok ok. Arrange my chicken sandwich. I am starving." She said.

Yeah, if she means starving is having the whole pizza alone just 10 minutes back then she is definitely starving. No doubt.

" Ok. Stop whining at first. It will take a bit time." I said.

" But I am starving." She said and I gave my bag to her. She found crisps inside and smiled widely.

" I knew that you love me a lot. You brought them for me, right?" She asked me and I rolled my eyes. " I can understand that. But my chicken sandwich?" She said.

" Their phone is ringing. They have to pick it up first." I said.

" Ok. Don't get angry." She said and I sighed deeply.

" Just sit quietly for awhile, RD." I said.

" I am quiet. I am not talking at all." She said and I sighed.

" Good." I said and ordered for her chicken sandwich.

" Ann..." She stopped.

" Yes, tell me." I said to her.

" Ann.... actually I need tacos as well. I am craving for it. Please?" She said and I sighed.

" Anything else?" I asked her.

" Nothing as for now. It's enough.." she said and I took sigh of relief. " But if you can manage to get some french fries as well. Then it will be better." She said. I looked at her weirdly. " And a pizza. Pizza is life." RD said.

" I think you are going to give birth to 10 kids together." I said to her.

" Why do you think like that?" She asked me.

" Because you were never ever a overeater. See now?" I asked her.

" You can't complain against it. I am a pregnant woman here whose husband doesn't love her at all and keeps feeding her tasteless food." She said and I rolled my eyes. I was about to answer her but one voice from back stopped me at once.

" Anything else Mrs. Schwartz?" I heard Josh's voice from the door and turned to see him. RD wasn't looking at him. She kept blubbering weird things.

" Yes, and he keeps scolding me for everything. He used to love me once but doesn't love me anymore now. Because I grew fat and ugly." She said.

Like really?!! She is a beauty queen herself. No matter what she can't look ugly. After getting pregnant she looks even more beautiful. I mean she gained a bit but that doesn't mean she is fat. She is just perfect. Motherhood made her radiant and beautiful. I could see Josh's face turning red in anger. RD is in trouble today. I sighed deeply.

" So you think he doesn't love you anymore?" He asked her.

" If he did then he wouldn't make me eat a tasteless diet." RD said and Josh stood in front of her. She looked at him then looked at me.

" See? Now he is here to scare me in my imagination. Why does he keep doing this all the time?" RD asked me and I shook my head.

" Ann, can we have some privacy?" Josh asked me.

" Oh, sure." I said.

" Hey!!! You can see him?!" RD said.

" All the best, Sister." I said to her.

" You are traitor, Ann. You can leave me alone with this Naga Viper. You know how he is when he is angry. You want him to hurt me and the baby?" She asked me.

" RD!!!" I gritted. She was igniting him more.

" Tell everyone not to disturb us for awhile. I need to show her how much do I love her." Josh gritted and I sighed.

" Ok. But be careful." I said to him

" Don't worry. Do you think I can hurt her?" He asked me and I chuckled.

" Then carry on." I will inform everyone.

" Thanks, Ann. You are so sweet." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Yeah, right." I said and walked out of RD's cabin.

I went to Cindy. She was working in her cabin. I mean she was currently sitting on the desk checking the photos and magazines of previous shows. I knocked on the door and chuckled seeing her messy ginger hair. She was so disturbed with them.

" Can I help you?" I asked her pointing her hair.

" Please?" She said and I pulled her hair into a bun.

" What happened?" She asked me.

I told her everything that happened today. She chuckled then shook her head.

" Pregnancy hormones got her good." She said.

" Yes. When are you having kids. Even RD is having kid. She got married after you." I said to her. She rolled her eyes.

" Steve says it's not time yet and I am underweight. If I gain 10 kgs more then he will consider to think about that topic but not before that." She said and I chuckled.

I am really happy for my kids that they have gotten such loving and caring life partners. I pray that they stays like that forever and always.

" What are you thinking about?" She asked me.

" Let's go have lunch." I said to her and she nodded.

Steve joined us later and we had lunch together. Then they went home. Though they wanted to left me at my apartment but I had to do the groceries. RD and I used to do it together once but she is married now. I have to do things alone. I called Josh to know if everything was going good. As I was assured that she is fine I went to supermarket to do the groceries. When I was coming back I heard someone squealing.

" My bag!!!" The girl said and I found a teenager was running after a masked guy. I thought for a second and hold my bag tightly and hit that guy with all my might while he was crossing me.

Ya Allah!!! Anaya!!! You are so brave.

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