Love Turns Into Hatred

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Anaya's POV

" Ok, this look like a palace." Tracy said to me. I chuckled.

" Hmm... Who knows may be." I said to her.

" Where is Gina anyways?" She asked me.

" I don't know." I said. I was actually searching for Chloe if she is already here or not.

" Whom are you looking for?" She asked me.

" I was looking for Chloe. She texted me that she is reaching here but I can't find her here anyways." I said.

" May be stuck in the traffic." Finn said to me.

" May be. Who knows!!" I said and looked around if any familiar face is there. It was Gina's engagement ceremony today. We were here to attend it. But haven't find her out yet.

I saw Alicia awhile back. She is Gina's best friend and has worked with us before. But she also got vanished in the crowd.

" Is that Victoria?" Tracy asked me. I looked at the direction he has pointed.

" Yes, of course it is who says no?" I said smilingly.

" Let's go meet her." Tracy said and I nodded. I found her triplets. Denzel, Lisa and Mike was handling the kids while Victoria was talking to the people. Most of them are her fans. Obviously.

" Hey!!" I said to Victoria.

" Annnnnnnn!!!" She squealed. I sighed. She must have become the mother of triplets but she herself is still a kid. Trust me she is.

" Ok. I am deaf now." Finn said and I chuckled. She hugged us all at once.

" Girl, are you sure these 3 are your kids? I am confused how can a kid herself be a mother." Finn said and I chuckled.

" Yes, I am certainly sure. If you don't trust me then you can ask Mike. He can explain you better." She said.

" You are a one lucky girl anyways." I said.

" I agree I am." She giggled. All the 3 kids giggled as well as their mother giggled.

" When are you coming back to the ramp? Miss you a lot." I said to her. She sighed deeply.

" Need a bit time until these 3 musketeers grown up a bit." She said.

" Yeah, can understand that." I said.

" Where is Stella?" She asked.

" She is on the way. We came a bit earlier. She will come along with Bella and Tasha." Tracy said.

" I am dead. What a crowd!!!" We heard Chloe's voice and she reached us. I looked at her amusingly.

" Where is Matt?" Finn asked.

" Who is missing me here?" Matt reached us.

" You are late anyways." Tracy said rolling her eyes.

" There were traffic. You should know that. Have you come flying over here." He asked her and she twisted her lips

" Where is your brother?" Matt asked Tracy.

" He is also late like you." Tracy said. I chuckled.

" Have you guys seen the bride and groom already?" Chloe asked me.

" Bride is seen before but groom has to be introduced now. Don't have any idea about it." I said to her. She nodded.

" Let's go. Meet them." She said.

" Let all of them come then go to meet them." I said to her.

" I have something to give her which she told me to bring. Let's go. They will come to meet them anyways." She said.

" Go, then if it's very important. We will wait here for them." Victoria said.

" Hmm, you guys go. We will wait here." Tracy said and I nodded.

" Besides the crowd is not good for kids. They will be uncomfortable." Lisa said.

" Ok, then if you guys say so." I said.

" Come on. Let's go." Chloe pulled me with her.

" What happened?" I asked her. "What will you give her?"

" I wanted to talk to her only nothing else." She said. I chuckled.

" What would happen if you talk to her in front of them?" I asked her.

" It's a bit personal and may they be uncomfortable with this topic." She said.

" Why will they be uncomfortable?" I asked her.

" You will understand when I will talk to her. No worries." She said.

" Look, There she is." I said looking at Gina. She was looking beautiful with her beautiful cream colored gown. I looked at her smilingly.

" Hey!!" Chloe said.

" Hi, girls." She said and looked around.

" They are on the way." I said.

" Ok, then." She said.

" You are looking beautiful." I said to her. She chuckled.

" Thanks, girls." She said.

" Where is your groom?" I asked her.

" He was there with his cousins." She said.

" Leaving you alone?" Chloe asked her.

" I mean they pulled him with themselves. His sister Seher was here. But she is dancing with her friends inside. She is a bit crazy." She said and I chuckled.

" If you think we are normal then ok. I don't have anything to say." I said. She chuckled.

" Cindy?" She asked. I sighed deeply. She smiled. " It's ok. RD called me explained everything. I could understand even if she didn't explain anything. RD can't travel this time. She said everything to me. I am not upset at all. I was just thinking if Cindy would come then it would feel better. But it's ok. Time will mend every scar. We need time to fix everything between us. I hope one day we will be able to do so." She said.

" You are a pure soul, Gina." I said and sighed. " You deserve happiness." I said.

" I don't know actually what happiness is but if you say happiness is when you have some people whose face lits up seeing your face then I am happy. Very very happy. I found some people who genuinely love me. I am also trying to adjust with them. If someone loves you that much you should reciprocate that. I am trying to do that. I am happy. Genuinely happy when I am with them. I think my so called parents should learn from them a lot. When they can't get which one is right and which one is wrong for your kids then you really don't love them. I have seen these days how Seher's mom was handling her. She doesn't agree with every thing Seher says. It's because of her own good. That's the quality of a good mother which I failed to find in mine. If she would a bit strict then William never ever could take that step." She said. I sighed. When love turns into hatred.

SLS#5# The Lost Heiressजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें