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2 weeks later...

Anaya's POV

" Blessing!!" Elif squealed as soon as we reached the beach house. I smiled. After long time I think I am enjoying things like this. Because these days I was too stressed and upset. I was looking around and sat there on the balcony looking at the beach.

" Hey!!" Amaira said and sat next to me. I sighed.

" Still not out of that?" She asked me.

" I think it will not be easier for me." I said to her.

" You have to think it will be fine." She said to me.

" How will it be fine? Tell me?" I asked her.

" Just let it go. Past can be changed but you can enjoy your present and make your future." She said to me and I nodded.

" I will think about it." I said to her.

I kept sitting there and my phone started to ring. RD was calling me. I told her to make Amaira her wedding dress. But she herself wasn't doing well. Still she agreed with that.

" Hey!!!" I said to her.

" Are you still upset?" She asked me.

" Umm... A bit. You know the whole thing." I said to her.

" You are hurting your family like that. Try to come back to life." She said

" I am trying hard. But am not able to. What to do?" I asked her.

" Give time to your husband as well. He needs your love and attention." She said to me.

" Yeah, I got it." I said to her.

" Are you upset for some reason other than that?" She asked me.

" No. I am fine. I was just upset for Safi. I am very very upset." I said to her.

" You can go and meet her. She is a matured person. She will understand your point." She said.

" I don't know how to face her now. For me their family got destroyed." I said to her.

" It was their fate. You had nothing to do with that. Shut it. " She said.

" Alright. How are you? How is the baby? How is everyone at home?" I asked her.

" Everyone is perfectly fine." She said.

" Where is Josh?" I asked her.

" He is in office but calling me in every 10 minutes. Irritating." She said.

" That's called love." I said. " I will come NYC in a few days. I want to be there when the baby comes to the world." I said to her.

" Sure." She said.

" Ok. Then bye. Take care." I said to her.

" Bye." She said and I hung up the phone.

I was sitting there and suddenly Zayn came and hold my hand.

" What happened?" I asked him.

" Come with me." He said.

" I don't want to." I said.

" Tell that directly that you want a ride." He said to me.

" What rubbish!!! When have I told that?!" I asked him.

" Because if you don't listen to me then I will carry you in my arms. Isn't it?" He asked me and I glared at him hard.

" I hate you." I said.

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