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Oyster Shore,
Yilmiz Mansion
Istanbul, Turkey
5:00 PM

She opened her eyes slowly and smiled a bit. Last night was so tiring. She worked until late night for the new project. So, she slept all the day. She was feeling so tired but now it was refreshing.

She took her phone and her eyes open widened. 21 missed calls from Zayn, 37 missed calls from Elif, 200+ texts. She quickly called Zayn back. He picked up after 3 rings.

" Hello, Sis. Though I am still angry with you but Bro is driving so he can't pick the phone up, so you can tell me I will inform him." She heard Elif's voice and chuckled.

" Little Dove, what happened? Why did you guys call me several times?" She asked her sister.

" We thought someone is dead so we were calling someone to know if she is ok or not." Elif said and she chuckled.

" So, little girl is upset?" She asked her.

" That doesn't matter to you. Does it? You don't even care." Elif said and sighed. She smiled.

" Who said that I don't care?! I do care. I was thinking like I will give you an ice cream treat like last time. It's ok if you don't want that. Bye then." She chuckled inwardly for tricking her little sister who was literally the piece of her heart.

" Nooooooo....I want that. I want that. Don't hung up." Elif squealed.

" Alright. Am not doing that. But tell me what happened that you wanted me to know that this eagerly?!!" She asked her.

" We are reaching home in awhile then we will talk about that because if I start to talk about that then everything will be messed. You know that I am not good at explaining anything. I will create a blunder." Elif said and she chuckled.

" Ok, love and I am sorry for scolding you last night. I was a bit busy this why I told you to go and sleep in your room. You can sleep in my room with me tonight." She said to her.

" Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...." Elif squealed and she took the phone away from her ear. Elif would make her deaf at once with her squeals.

" What's wrong, girl?" She asked Elif.

" Nothing but I love you. Ummmmaaahhhh... ummmmaaahhhh... ummmmaaahhhh." Elif said and she chuckled

" Love you too, sweetheart. Talk to you when you come back. I am waiting. Come fast." She said.

" There is a long traffic chain of vehicles." Elif said and she sighed.

" Ok, then no hurry. Come back home whenever it is possible." She said to them.

" Ok. Assalamualaikum and Khuda Hafiz." Elif said.

" Walaikumassalm, love. Khuda Hafiz." She said and hung up.

She chuckled thinking about her little sister. What will she do with that girl!!! She is just growing up physically not mentally. She is still the little kid of 6. Her mentality didn't get matured yet. She still remember the day her sister was born. She was very astonished seeing her. She was just mini her. Anyone could say that she has a close relation with her in just first sight.

" Was that Elif?" She heard a familiar voice and turned to see the person and her eyes open widened.

" You!!!!" She looked at him weirdly who was sitting on the couch comfortably reading a book.

" Yes, Madame it's me. Why? Did you expect someone else?" He asked her his eyes was still stuck on the page he was reading. She got up and reached him. He didn't look up.

" What?!" He asked her.

" Is that you for real?" She asked him.

" No. I am ghost." He said. She glared at him.

" How have you come inside?!" She asked him weirdly looking at the locked door.

" You shouldn't ask that to a ghost. They can come anywhere and everywhere." He said turning the page over. She gritted and snatched the book from him. He chuckled.

" How have you come inside my room?" She asked him.

" I am not answering that to you. I don't want my ways get blocked." He said and she gritted her teeth.

" Why have you come inside my room?! Get out at once or I will call everyone and you know what can happen after that." She said.

" Yeah, go call them. I don't have any problem. I gave come to see my wife. It's not a crime and if you call them then it will be a huge mistake. You know why?!" He asked her.

" Why??" She gritted.

" Because I have proof to show them that you have called me to come here." He said.

" Me?!!" She asked him weirdly. " And when is that Mr.? I don't remember anything. And why will I call you to come here at this time like this?!!" She asked him.

" I don't know. You have texted me. How will I know?" He asked innocently.

" I.... urrrggh...I haven't texted you. You are laying." She said.

" Wait, here. See, message from Wifey." He showed her the texted and her eyes open widened.

" I haven't texted you. In fact I don't even have your number." She said and he chuckled.

" Don't worry. I have saved it in your phone." He said

" But I haven't texted you. I was sleeping all the day." She said confusedly. He chuckled.

" You haven't but your phone was laying there on the nightstand. Anything can happen then." He said and she glared at him.

" What can happen?!" She asked him.

" Like, someone can take your phone and text someone else." He said winking at him. She was looking at him weirdly at his cunningness.

" You stupid!!!!" She said and he chuckled.

" No, I have got a brain." He said. "Alright, now go bring me a coffee." He said taking the book from her started to read it again. She stomped her feet. But brought him a coffee. He took a sip and looked at her.

" What now?!!" She asked him.

" You taste it then you will understand." He returned back the cup. She took a sip. Everything was ok. He took the cup back from her and started to laugh.

" Go, get freshen up. We will offer the prayer together." He said and sipped the coffee again. She glared at him. He winked at her. She gritted her teeth. If she could then she would have killed him but her parents will be upset if she does something like that. She rolled her eyes at his smirking face. She failed to understand the love he was holding for her which was showing in his eyes. For her he was a tricky and cunning man. May be she was right on some points. 😉😉😉😉😉.

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