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Anaya's POV

" Naya, you alive!!!" Safi said as she broke the hug. I nodded and smiled with tears in my eyes. She hugged me again. I hugged her back.

" They...." She was sobbing and I kept patting on her back.

" Ssssssshhhhhh, Safi. Don't cry." I said.

" Let me. You don't know how much I have prayed all these years to Allah to keep you alive. I knew that you are alive. My heart always said so. I knew that Allah can't do this injustice." She said. I sighed deeply. Seems like your prayers are listened by the almighty, Safi. You are a true friend." I said and kissed on her head. She was still crying. " And still you look like a frog when you cry." I said and she punched on my back. I chuckled inwardly. "You are still an elephant. What do you eat everyday? I think my bones are broken already." I said and she broke the hug rolling her eyes.

" How are you?" She asked me.

" I am alive and being alive is beautiful." I said to her and she sighed deeply.

" It is." She replied holding my hands looking into my eyes. I nodded smilingly. She blinked and hold my hands tightly.

" I am for real. No imagination." I said to her.

Safi I mean Safiya is one of my childhood friends. She was very close to me. Her father was the person who betrayed my father. But I don't have any grudges against her. She wasn't in fault anyways. She didn't even know anything. She was a kid like me. So, holding on grudges against will be a stupidity. Besides, I can understand that she still loves me. I can understand that she still remember me even after all those years. I shouldn't be angry with her. May be she doesn't even know about her father's deed. I shouldn't tell her that. I know how much it hurts to lose your parents. Why will I snatch her parents from her?! Why?!

" How are you?" I asked her.

" I am fine. More than fine as I have found you again." She said.

" Yeah, I can understand that." I said to her.

" How are your parents?" I asked her.

" Oh, they are fine. Come with me. They are downstairs." She said to me and I stopped her.

" No, Safi. Not now. I am no more Anaya. I have a new identity now. I shouldn't become Anaya again. I am happy with my new self." I said to her.

" You don't want to meet Mom and Dad? You know how much we have searched for you all these years?" She asked me.

" Safi, please don't tell anyone that it's me. It will not be a good idea to reveal myself. There are a lot of enemies of my dad. They will try to hurt me." I said to her.

" That's why you stay with us. If you stay with us no one will be able to hurt you." She said to me. I sighed inwardly.

Girl, your father is searching for me to get me killed only. He wants to kill me only to hide her crime. I hands turned into fists remembering how he has offered my mom to be his mistress shamelessly. My father did a big mistake by trusting him.

" No, Safi. I don't want you all to be in trouble." I said to her.

" We will not be in trouble. Silly. We will protect you." She said.

" It's ok, Safi. I will be safe if I stay as Annie." I said to her and she tried to say something but I stopped her. "Please?" I asked her.

" Ok. If you say so." She said to me.

" But meet Mom and Dad at least." She said.

" No, Safi. I don't want to go back to my old life. You too promise me that you will not tell this to anyone. Please?" I asked her and she looked at me weirdly.

" But why are you not willing to come with us?" She asked me.

" I am already settled with my life." I said to her. " I don't want to go back to that life which have snatched everything from me but gave me nothing" I said and she sighed deeply.

" Ok. Alright. If you say so. But it would be better if you would meet Mom and Dad." She said. I nodded.

" May be one day. But not just now. Everyone knows me as Annie here. It will create a big mess." I said to her.

" Ok, Naya. Your secret is safe with me." She said with teary eyes. I wiped her tears away.

" Don't cry, Safi. I am alive. Your prayers are with me. They will not go in vain now, will they?" I asked her and she chuckled.

" They said you are no more. Trust me, Naya, I have never believed them." She said. I smiled.

" Yes, I am alive." I said to her.

" I am very happy that you are alive moreover safe and sound." She said and I chuckled.

" How is your brother?" I asked her.

" Oh, Zishaan? He is 12 now. You won't believe how naughty he has become." She said and I chuckled.

" He is just a kid. Don't be rude." I said to her and sighed deeply inwardly. I remember how I whined for a brother to my dad the day I have seen him last. I sighed deeply this time visibly.

" What happened?" She asked me and I shook my head.

" Nothing. You tell me. What are you doing these days?" I asked her.

" I am a doctor now." She said and I chuckled.

" That's great." I said to her.

" What are you doing?" She asked me.

" Still studying and working as a fashion stylist. That's it." I said to her. She nodded sadly.

" But you wanted to be a doctor as well." She said to me.

" Some dreams should remain dream. I am happy with my life anyways." I said to her and she sighed. " By the way are you the same Safiya who is after Saahil?" I asked her.

" How do you know Saahil?" She asked me.

" The bride is my close friend." I said to her and she nodded. " What's the matter here? Do you like him?" I asked her.

" It doesn't matter. He still likes that girl." She said.

" You will find out someone better than him." I said to her and she sighed.

We talked for awhile and then she left. I was going back to my room suddenly I found Zayn standing there talking to Ali and Drake. I reached them.

" Hi, guys!!!" I said waving at Ali and Drake and they waved back. I turned to see the person standing next to me and as soon as I looked at him I found myself drowning in his eyes. I shook my head to come out of that spell. What's wrong with me. Hell!!!

SLS#5# The Lost HeiressOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora