Chapter 105: Chaos In The Air.

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Reader Key:

(Y/N) = Your Name.

(N/N) = Your Nickname.

(H/L) = Hair Length.

(H/C) = Hair Colour.

(E/C) = Eye Colour.

Author's Note: Shout out to Napin55 who figured out what (Y/N) represents and her importance to Ninjago along with why she is dressed in grey.

(Third Person P.O.V)

 ___Nexo Knights___

"Good heavens!" Merlok shouted alerting the others. "What's up, magic man." Ava asked taking her seat at the Fortrex's main console.

"A huge magical disturbance. The likes that haven't been seen in over a hundred years." Merlok continued to shout.

"Mmmm, It appears that an island has appeared out of nowhere. That wasn't there yesterday." Ava reported. "Best to call in the team and see what's up."

(Third Person P.O.V)

___Nexo Knights___

Aboard jestro's evil mobile the Book of Monsters sniffed the air with a deep hunger. Almost drooling as he did.

The large living brown book licked its gruesome lips with its lizard-like silk bookmark tongue.

"Something wrong?" Jestro questioned the Book of Monsters as he watched the book's wild sniffing causing poor Book Keeper to run this way and that way to satisfy the evil book's demands.

"Honey, garlic, sea salt and graveyard soil." The Book of Monsters reported and taking another big whiff.

"Woah! That's a combination I haven't smelled in over close to two hundred years." The Book of Monsters said to himself.

"Huh?" Jestro questioned and scratching the back of his jester's cap. "There's some serious magic going around, joke boy." The Book of Monsters said rolling his eyes at the jester.

The sentient spellbook continued to sniff the air. "What's so important about that combination of smells?" Jestro questioned as he watched his mentor being carried around.

"Pay attention, joke boy!" The book growled. "Chaos magic both smells and tastes like honey and garlic. We've had this conversation before." The Book of Monsters sighed the last part.

"So? Someone's using Chaos magic? Big deal. We have Chaos magic, brick we have Chaos monsters." Jestro pointed out to the sentient spellbook. Still not understanding what the spellbook was so worried about.

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