Chapter 21:

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I enter school and look for Dawn. I know she's mad at me but I need to talk to her. I need to clear the air between us.

I walk inbetween students standing in the middle of the halls when I see her talking to that girl she's always with. I think her name's Jenna.

As I approach them, the girl stops talking and her face goes blank as she looks up at me. Dawn turns around and the smile spread across face fades into a panicked stare immediately.

"I'm gonna go" I hear her say and she starts walking away but I extend my body as I take her hand and intertwine it with mine. She turns around and tries to pull away from me.

"Please just leave me alone!" She says , her voice shaking.

"Dawn, please. I'm sorry." I hold her other hand but she shakes her head causing her perfect brown hair to bounce as she tries to slip away from the conversation.

"You lied to me" she says quietly

"I know. And I'm really sorry"

"And you blocked me? And you kissed Leah" she says loudly. It's clear that's shes annoyed and I don't blame her

I look around and see students start to slow their pace to see what's going on. Some begin taking out their earphones to listen while others stand and watch.

I turn my gaze back to her, ignoring it all


" No. It's okay. If you like Leah then be with her. I'm fine"she raises her brows as she looks down at the tiled floor.

She doesn't say anything but I know she isn't okay. Because I'm not either.

She's the better half of me. I've felt whole ever since she's came back into my life.

But she starts adjusts the strap of her purse onto her shoulder.

Don't let her leave like this

I wrap my arms around her before she can walk away and shivers immediately travel down my spine.

i haven't hugged her in a while. What if she doesn't want this anymore

She hugs me back and i don't think I've ever held her tighter.

I've tried to cover up how empty I feel without her but right now I wanna let her know about it all. But it wouldn't come out right. Just thinking about it makes me upset

Unexpectedly, I feel tears fall from my face and onto her shirt.

I just love her too much but I've hurt her too much too and I—ugh. I don't want her to leave me.

She pulls away, confused and looks at me intently with her hazel eyes glossing. "W-why are you crying? It's okay" she says as she places her hands on my cheeks

"No. No, it's not okay". I shake my head and wipe my eyes.


"I don't wanna lose you. Forget, Leah. I only want you"

She sighs. "You're not gonna lose me. But clearly you have feelings for her and no matter what, they aren't gonna go away. You can't force yourself to forget about her"

"Please, Dawn" I inch her closer to me

She looks around, avoiding eye contact as she bites her lip.

"I- I love you. More than anything."

Her attention directs back me and she takes a deep breath.

" you love me?"

Her eyes scan my face but I can't really read what she's thinking.

"Yes. Yes, I love you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I won't mess up again just give me another chance I'll never-"

Before I can finish talking she hugs me and wraps her arms around my neck. The warm scent of her perfume fills the air.

I lower my head onto her shoulders And shut my eyes butI feel her lift my chin and I look at her.

She's smiling which instantly makes me smile back

She stares at me and then plants her lips onto mine while I wrap my arms around her waist tighter

I don't think I've ever been happier. She's the person I want to be with. She's my best friend. My everything.

I won't mess up again.

I promise to love her and protect her.


I kiss her back forgetting that we're at the end of a school hallway. Forgetting every thing that's come between us. Forgetting how these past few days have been.

And when she pulls away, I tell her it again.

"I love you. I love you so much"

"I love you too" she whispers

What if I mess up? What if I'm not enough for her? What if she finds someone better?

Part of me thinks it's gonna be hard to love her if I don't love myself. And I don't love myself

More than friends- MATTIA POLIBIO 😩😍Where stories live. Discover now