Chapter 71:

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My heart's beating as Alejandro and Kairi approach me and give me a hug. I hesitate as they wrap their arms around me but I give in. I'm at a loss of words. It's been a while. A long while

"I've missed you" Ale says as he rests his head on my shoulder. He's taller and still has that smile on his face. Kairi looks the absolute same to me.

But I can't focus on anything else he's saying because someone else is here

And he's sitting on the couch in front of me, not saying a word

"Mattia you're not gonna give her a hug?" Kairi asks pulling away.

He raises his brows and his resting bitch face becomes more visible. He didn't need to come here.

None of them did.

I'm fine on my own and I always was. Never needed anybody. Not now at least

I look around anxiously. He came all this way and he can't even say hi. I watch as he stays silent,occasionally glaring up at me.

And all I can do is observe his features. He looks different. He looks more mature and his hair fits his face differently. He's gotten tanner but he looks stressed.

I know Ale told me something was wrong with him . But he also told me that Mattia missed me. But if he missed me why did he come all this way to act like this.

I go to say something to him when I hold myself back. I'm already not in the mood. "I-I'm gonna go upstairs for a few" I say quietly and drop my hands to my sides

"Dawn what's on your cheek?" Kairi asks me as he goes to touch my face. But I flick his hand away.

"It's nothing" I say as I walk past the boys and upstairs. I shut the door behind me and rush over to my vanity, taking out my foundation from my makeup bag and fumbling to brush it onto my face to cover the bruise that's becoming more and more visible

But I don't even wanna go out there again. What would I say to them. What would we talk about. It's like I know absolutely nothing about them again.

I drop my bottle of foundation on the ground. "Shit" I mumble as my hands tremble while picking it up. Someone knocks.

"Coming!" I say loudly as the foundation drips on the floor tiles. I shake my head nervously and go to grab a paper towel when I find the door opening causing me to jump slightly

It's Mattia.

He still seems annoyed and I don't know if he's gonna yell at me or say it's my fault for the bruise that still shows through what's caked onto my skin

"Shit" I say to myself as he shuts the door behind him.

I pretend he isn't even in the room as I try wiping the foundation off the floor when he takes my arm lightly causing me to face him.

"What do you want" I say quietly as I pull my gaze to the ground, looking down at my feet.

"I just wanna talk to you" he says in the same whispering tone as mine.

I sit down on the edge of my bed,still avoiding making eye contact. I hear him take the chair that's in the corner of my room and bring it in front of me.

When he sits, he doesn't say anything. He doesn't even move. But I can feel him staring at me and it's making me even more anxious

"Talk" I say louder as I shut my eyes. I feel him take my hands in between his and I gulp as i pull away.

"Don't do this right now" he says taking my hand again.

"Why're you here"

"I just wanted to see you" he say slowly. "Do you not wanna see me?"

"Why did you act like that downstairs"

"Act like what"


"I'm sorry,Dawn. I just didn't know what to say to you"

I scoff.

"I've missed you" he says,still staring at me. But he tilts his head to make me stare back at him.

"Please just look at me" he pleads as he lifts my chin. And then he observes my cheek.

I gulp knowing he'll ask about it.

"How'd it happen" he asks

"I fell"

"No you didn't" he shakes his head. "Don't lie to me. You can trust me"

"Let's not bring up trust right now" I say.

I see him getting annoyed. Low patience is another one of his problems . "Why're you acting like this!"

I stand pulling out of his grip. "Because you don't know what I've been through since you left!" I yell back. I see him go quiet

"You don't know how much shit I've put up with for months! I'm being hurt and I didn't even do anything wrong! It makes me feel like complete fucking shit but all you care about is seeing me when it's convenient for you!"

"I've been crying over you since I left. Did you think that I stopped? Ask Alejandro I literally tear up thinking about you" he says wincing

I shake my head

"But of course you don't think the same when it comes to me"

"How would i have the time to think about someone who didn't consider what I was going through first. How can I think about someone when I can't even think about bettering myself. How can I think about you when the only thing ever on my mind is how to get through the day?"

He stands and comes closer to me. I move farther back until I can't anymore. "Don't even come near me just stop!" I yell as I lift my hands to my face but he takes them and brings them down to my sides

"Please just give me a chance" he whispers as we're face to face. Slowly and hesitantly, he takes the back of my head in his hand and brings out foreheads together.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ended things the way I did" he says. "But I realized I was wrong. And I wouldn't have come all this way to see you if I didn't care. I'm begging you. Just give me a chance, Dawn."

I nod slowly and I feel him smile relieved as he lifts my chin and brings his face closer to mine, enough for his lips to graze my cheek. I feel his hands shake behind my head as he moves in closer and plants a kiss on my lips. He takes a breathe and then does it again. And again and again .

And the only thing I can think about other than the fact that his lips are on mine, is how long it'll last as he moves down to my neck. His tongue circles the area as he pinches at the skin with his mouth making me wince. But i sigh and lift his face towards me.

"Mattia not now" I say

He smiles. "I just missed kissing you like I used to"

I smile slightly as I turn the door knob and walk downstairs with him holding onto my hand as he massages my thumb

A/n: hm idk about this chapter. You guys let me know how you liked it

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