Chapter 90:

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*about a week later*


I check the date on my phone and my eyes widen. It's been about a week since Mattia told me about the condom breaking. And I was advised to wait a week before getting a pregnancy test. My heart sinks and my fingers shake as I grasp onto the sides of my phone. It slowly falls into my lap.

"Babe" Mattia says causing me to look up at him and immediately pull a grin, hoping he won't see the nervousness thats slowly taking over me.

"Yeah?" I say

He grins. I'm guessing he hasn't noticed

"I'm gonna head to soccer practice now okay?" He says grabbing his equipment bag which contains his shoes,uniform, extra socks, deodorant, etc.

I nod and blow him a kiss as I watch him walk up the stairs. When I hear the front door shut, I look at my luggage and then down at the ground. And then back at my luggage. Slowly standing, I make my way towards the bag and unzip it as I watch the pile of clothing emerge

I grab a tank top and some jeans and throw them on, along with my checkerboard vans. And then grabbing my keys, my wallet, and phone, I decide to leave.


I reach the local pharmacy and as I make my way towards the entrance, the doors slide open and I walk inside, feeling a cool breeze touch my arms.

What will the cashiers think of me when they see me buying a pregnancy test?

Would they judge me? I know they will—fuck

I begin to turn around back towards the exit when I reach the medicine aisle and walk down it; my eyes scrolling past pill bottles and liquid pain relievers. And then my eyes catch a glimpse of a pink and white box. With 'pregnancy test' written in big font across the cardboard packaging.

I hesitate before picking it up and reading the words Pregnancy Test over and over again.

Should I buy it?

I sigh as I walk down the aisle, before overthinking and assuming I've made a mistake and should return the box. I inhale sharply as I place the box at the front register and watch the cashier lady pick it up and scan the price without observing a thing.

"$8.99" she says as she looks up at me and plants her lips into a thin line, watching over my features as I pull a ten dollar bill out of my wallet and hand it to her. She takes it and gives me my change and a receipt before wishing me a good day and watching me walk off.


I enter the house, with only Gianluca home. He's in his room playing fortnite. I'm guessing practice ended early for him today. I say hi to him before walking down the bathroom in Mattia's room and slithering my pants down my thigh. I force myself to pee in order to get the results from the test.

I take a deep breath as I place the test under me and have a drop touch the surface of it. And then I softly place it on Mattia's counter and wash my hands before daring to look down at it.

My heart races and my eyes water as I wait for about three minutes for the absolute realest results and then I pick it up in my hands. They shake, like they did this morning. Causing the tube to practically fall from my fingertips when I count to three and lower my gaze to observe the results .

My eyes heat up and my heart sinks immediately.

Oh no.

It reads positive

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