Chapter 48:

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Update: so my relationship with that guy from a few weeks ago is no longer a thing because he only wants me so he can have sex w me love that 😍


I walk into class and the first thing I see is Dawn. I'm always arriving earlier than her so this is kinda new for me to see her in the room before I am.She smiles at me and I smile back.

It feels so good to finally be able to talk to her the way we used to. But there's still that major feeling of guilt lurking inside of me.

She didn't deserve the shit I put her through.

I take a seat next to her and hold onto her hand.

She keeps a grin on her face. "Morning"

"Morning" I say back. "You seem really happy today"

"I am" she says. She turns her chair over so she's facing me. "My mom's getting a new job and I'm really happy for her. She said it's way better than the one she has now"

"No way, that's great. What job is it?"

"I don't know yet. I didn't get the chance to ask her much about it yesterday"

"It's nearby your house?"

"It should be. My mom doesn't like long distances. She likes to work near home in case of an emergency"

I smile. "I'm really happy for you"

"Thanks" she says as she sips from her iced coffee. "I'll let you know more about it when I ask her for information later"

I nod and take out my things for the class period as the day begins.


The school day's finally over. I'm walking with Dawn. She said she could go out for some food today so we're going to a nearby restaurant for lunch. I'm holding onto her hand and I can't seem to think about anything other than her

How much better could it be if we were dating?

I would get the chance to be able to kiss her and hold onto her and tell her she's mine. But we already talked about being official

And it's clear that she isn't ready for that.

Even though I am. But I'll always be ready when it comes to her. She makes me feel warmth.

And I ruined that

Here's that feeling of guilt again.

I look over at her. She's wearing an olive green top that's cut in the shape of a V at the start of her collarbone. It has brown buttons trailing down to her stomach. It's beautiful on her. It makes her tanned skin seem so bright in the sunlight.

I don't think anyone one can look as beautiful in it as she does.

And it makes me realize how much I wanna be with her. I will wait. And I'm gonna find a way to make it work

For as long as it possibly can work.

One of our phones goes off and I look in my pocket to see if it's mine but she pulls hers out immediately and answers the call

"Hey, ma" she says. I stop walking, tightening my grip on her hand. She doesn't say anything. She just listens to what her mother's saying

"Please, ma. I'm hanging out with friends right now"

She rolls her eyes

"Whatever. What could be so important for you to want to talk about it now?"

After a moment of silence I begin to worry. Is she in trouble? What's so important?

"Whatever, ma. Bye" and then she hangs up the call. She looks over at me upset

"What happened?"

"I have no idea my money wants me home,though" she frowns. "She said it's important"

I nod. "It's fine, I completely get it"

"I'm really sorry" she says looking down at the cement ground

"Don't be" I say as I lift her chin. "Call me later,though. Okay?"

She nods at me and manages a small smile. "I'll let you know about my moms job"

"Alright. Want me drop you off home?"

She shakes her head. "Thanks,though. It's only a few blocks down anyways"

I nod and give her a quick hug before she begins to walk home, in the opposite direction.

I hope everything's okay at home

It will be.

More than friends- MATTIA POLIBIO 😩😍Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin