Chapter 70:

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( I absolutely love this song sm... lemme pyo if you don't know it already :) )

                       *one week later*


As I walk through the school halls, there's people staring at me with their friends. Girls I've never talked to before, looking me up and down. I slouch deeper into my hoodie as I make my way to my locker. But the sound of familiar laughter catches my attention

"Hey, Dawn" Kaitlyn's voice calls out for me. I roll my eyes as I grab my jacket out of my locker and slam it shut. I see her making her way towards me with a group of girls that she's introduced me to

They're all obsessed with Mattia and the boys. Which is why they find interest in talking to me. They think that I'll openly introduce them to the guys and have them all be friends.

But I wouldn't do that. They're obviously clout chasers.

"Hey, Dawn. I like your hoodie" one of the girls says. Her name's Kim and she's probably the most white washed Columbian I have ever met.

She's taken notes from Kaitlyn I'm guessing

She adjusts her cropped top as she leans in and gives me a hug. I oblige respectfully, as the other girls hug me as well. They smell like mixed perfume scents

"What's on your cheek?" Another one of the girl asks. Her name's Allison. She's polish and taller than me. With a style that changes between an e-girl to preppy within minutes.

I cover my cheek with my hand lightly as I open up my phone camera to see my foundation is rubbing off. I gulp.

"I fell from the stairs yesterday" I say with my cheeks flushing red

The girls laugh and Kaitlyn does as well. "That's tuff, girl" she smirks

I roll my eyes as and I see a figure of a guy from the corner of my eye.

"Wes!" One of the girls says, walking up to him and hugging him tightly

"I should get going" I whisper to Kaitlyn. But she shakes her head as she pulls me to the side of the hall, away from her friends

"I heard about you and Wes" she says blankly

She knows? About what he did?

"Who told you?"

"He did" she says

He told her about what he did to me? Why would he do that. Is that why those girls were eyeing me?

"Is that why some girls were looking me up and down earlier?"

She nods. "Yeah they can be like that. A lot of them like him so they're just jealous"

Jealous? That he assaulted me? What?

"Jealous of what"

"You and him being a couple"


"C-couple?" I ask

She nods. "Yeah..." she says confused. "What's gotten into you. Why wouldn't you tell m you were dating him"

"We're not-"

"Hey baby" a male voice says,placing their hand on my waist. I watch  as Kaitlyn's face goes red.

It has to be Wes

"This is kinda awkward not gonna lie" she chuckles

I look up at Wes who's still got his hand on my waist. I tug on his fingers trying to get him to take his grip off of me when he tightens it, hurting my sides

"Kaitlyn leave. I needa talk to Dawn"

"Okay lovebirds" she smirks as she walks towards the group of girls that're observing each other's outfits

He kisses my forehead making me startled, pushing him away from me. Which catches the attention of others. I see his face go red and his jaw clench.

"Are you stupid?" He asks as his eyes linger to my cheek .he hesitates before pressing on it, making me wince.

"Did I do that to you?"

I roll my eyes as I nod slowly. "You've done it before. Remember?"

He takes a breath. "I'm sorry" he says taking my hand. But I pull away.

"And we're not together"  I reassure him

"We are"

"I told you we weren't"

"And I told you we were" he says coming closer to me. "Don't make me give you another bruise"

I turn away from him and start walking off when he calls out for me.

"Baby, cmon" he whines as I enter the classroom.

Luckily he doesn't have class with me.


On my way home, I can't help but think about how much I miss everything I used to have.

A stable home in Jersey, surrounded by people I loved and cared about.

I was friends with some amazing people who I took for granted. I looked forward to waking up in the morning. I looked forward to seeing neighbors on the way home from school. I looked forward to being me.

But recently I've been crying. I've been wishing some days that I could end it all. And if I wasn't afraid, I would take that risk. Let go of everything. And everyone.

Or whatever was left of what I had anyways

I would do it in the glimpse of a second if I wasn't so afraid. Maybe I should do it. With a lot of convincing.

Shut up you don't want that

But I do

A tear rolls down my cheek and I shake my head as I adjust the strap of my bag onto my shoulders.

I just wanna be me again. I wanna feel genuinely happy. Like I mean something to someone. Like someone means something to me.

But where did that all go.

Maybe I never even had that.

I try to wipe my eyes but I poke at my cheek causing me to cry harder as I fumble with my keys in the doorknob.

"Fuck" I mumble under my breath as I try and push the door open. And wiping my eyes again, I'm finally able to open it.

"Surprise!" Two voices yell from inside.

I look up shocked, unable to move. And confused

How is he here?

Why is he here?

More than friends- MATTIA POLIBIO 😩😍Where stories live. Discover now