Chapter 67:

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I stand in the middle of the restaurant, with my hands folded over my arms.

"Told you it wouldn't last" Wes says

I look over at him with tears in my eyes and all I wanna do is hit him. He caused this. But all I really do, is walk out of the restaurant.

I don't know if Mattia went straight to my house or if we went elsewhere. But I don't wanna be around him.

Why did he say it was over. How could he say that

It wasn't my fault that this happened even though it may seem like that to him. But he's cheated on me on numerous occasions and I still find the energy to forgive him

But if it's over to him than it's over to me. He doubted the relationship when I tried my best to keep it going.

And relationships only work if both ends give equal amounts of energy


I make my way down the few blocks to my house and fumble with my keys to open the door, nervously. I know there's a chance of him being inside.

As I enter the house, it's quiet. My mom told me that she would be running errands today so I'm not sure if she's left yet. I walk up the stairs to the second floor of the house and make my way towards the room Mattia kept his belongings in. I turn the knob and see that the lights are on.

And he's closing his luggage. He looks at me and immediately I shut the door and walk towards my room. But I hear the door open behind me. "Dawn" he calls out for me

I open the door to my room and enter, shutting it behind me. But I see the knob turn again and he enters.

He's standing in the doorway, mouth slightly open, and his hands buried in the pocket of his hoodie.

"Dawn I'm sorry"

"Sorry? Now you're sorry?"

"Why're you mad at me. I'm the one who should be angry with you"

"I'm mad because you've cheated on me multiple times and I've still forgiven you. Multiple. Times."

"You let that guy touch you when I was sitting directly next to you. You know how much that bothers me? This is why trust issues are a thing"

"Trust issues are also the result of cheating. You cheated. And I still trusted you"

"Look I'm sorry. But you're not in Jersey anymore and I'm not gonna be here every single day so who knows what this guy could do. You'd still hide it from me"

"Why do you think that's the case?"

He shrugs.

"Because I'm afraid. I'm afraid he's gonna hurt me if I argue with him"

"But I can't stand being with my girl and knowing another guy is touching her and she's allowing it!"

"Well I'm not your 'girl' anymore"

He sighs. "Look, maybe I made a mistake. I shouldn't of said that"

"But you would've been thinking it anyways"

He looks down at the ground shaking his head. "I still wanna be with you-"

"Well I'm sorry but it isn't gonna work if you've still got the idea of me being untrustworthy engraved in your head"

He looks up and I see him take a deep breathe. "Well I guess I should book a flight back to Jersey then"

I look away from him, my hands shaking. "If that's what you want"

"No" he says. "Tell me what you want"

It goes silent

"I don't know"

He walks over to me and his hand shakes as he places it on the back on my head and leans in and plants his lips onto mine. But I push him away. "That isn't gonna work anymore"

He backs away as he bites his lip. "Then I guess I'm leaving" he says as he swings the door open and walks out

A/n: ive been thinking and I feel like my writing in my other book is deeper. Right? Like the topic is way denser and it's a completely different aspect than this book. Idk let me know what you guys think

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