Chapter 53:

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(I really like this song.. just a recommendation to listen to it :) )

I walk inside the house quietly trying not to make a sound. I remove my shoes and look around.


Everything's gone.


All the furniture.. it's gone and the t.v...gone. And the dining room table.. gone.

I drop my shoes on the ground and walk into the kitchen, confused. I take a deep breath.

Everything... gone.

"Ma!" I shout.

When no one answers, I walk upstairs to her room. She's straightening her hair.

"Hey, Dawn" she says as she focuses on pressing her hair.

"M-a,where's all the furniture. And the tables and the stove. Where's it all?"

I walk closer to her but she doesn't answer .

"Huh?" I say trying to have her answer me.

"I had some movers pick everything up today. So now we can move tomorrow"


I look around, nervous. Shaking.

My eyes immediately tear up and I begin sobbing.

She looks at me startled. "Dawn, why are you crying?"

"Oh my god" I push my face into my hoodie sleeves. "No no no no" I sob

She places her arms around me but I push her away. "Don't touch me" I hiss

Mattia. .. I can't leave without seeing him

I run out the room unable to see anything in front of me. I walk into my room.. slamming the door open and shutting it behind me.

Everything's gone.

"Fuck!" I yell. I sit on the floor and take my phone out my pocket.. dialing his number immediately.

I listen as it rings and rings

Please pick up

It stops ringing

"Dawn?" His voice says

"Mattia" I say whimpering

"D-Dawn... what happened? Dawn?"

"I'm moving tomorrow" I wipe my eyes and look around the empty room

He goes silent

"I'm really moving" i say

I hear slight crying through the opposite end of the line.

He's crying

"Mattia please say something"

He sniffles. "I don't want you to go"

I shake my head. "I don't wanna leave, Mattia. I wanna stay"

"I have to see you.. you can't leave without seeing me"

"I promise I won't." I cry

"What am I gonna do? How am I gonna see you?" he cries

I sob. "I have no idea. This is crazy"

Someone opens my door. Mom

She looks at my phone. "Dawn, get off the phone and pack the rest of your clothes. We're leaving at 3pm tomorrow"

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