Chapter 85:

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(Please listen to this song it's so calming )


The plane lands and I slowly stand and make my way out of the aircraft; with the boys caught up in a group of people behind me

When I turn around I see them a few feet away from me and decide to wait until they catch up. When they're finally nearby me I ask them "who's picking us up?" Not caring which one of them answers

"Mattia your dad is right?" Kairi asks the tall boy standing besides me on his phone.

"Yeah. He just texted me that he's waiting outside the terminal" he replies as he shuts off his cell.

We nod and agree to get our luggage and go straight to the gate.


After we've gotten our things we see Mattia's dad waiting outside as he waves to us. Once we get closer to him; the guy smiles at me. "Dawn!" He says chuckling as he pulls me into a hug

I hug him back as the boys smile at me.

"Papa I missed you! I say. Mattia's parents are basically the parents I never had.

"We're so happy to have you!" He says as he takes my bag and helps place them in the back of his vehicle.

"Thank you for letting me stay with you guys" I say and the man nods with a grin on his face.

"Of course" he replies as we all enter the car

The whole ride home is full of silence. Except for Mattia asking his father what he made for dinner which was nothing. They're ordering us takeout

Alejandro scrolls through his feed on his phone while Kairi's knocked out with his head pushed into the opening between his legs.

But all I can help to do, is stare out the window observing the view that doesn't seem so familiar to me anymore. It feels weird to be back. Like I don't belong here anymore.

I turn to Mattia and lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arms around me immediately; his arms warming me and allowing the goosebumps on my skin to disappear into smoothness. I slouch into the weight of his body as we enter the neighborhood I grew up in.

The one we all coincidentally share. On the empty sidewalks are trash cans. Tonight is garbage clean up.

I still remember

And then from out the window I see a group of guys wearing Spray ground and Nike hoodies and air forces that's either white or customized.
I lean my head forward to see their faces; when I realize I've looked to much because they've noticed me.

I see their familiar features. The curly hair. The tan skin. The tall torsos. The bumps reappear on the surface of my arm as they all lock eyes with me. And I slouch deeper into Mattia's body unable to breathe

I forgot about them. The guys that lured me into their own little traps are now seniors that I forgot still attended Passaic Valley High. How am I supposed to make an appearance and let them see me.

I just left something bad. I didn't come back here for something worse.

I guess Mattia senses my nervousness because he taps my arm lightly and lowers his head to whisper, "why is your breathing so tense babe?"

I shake my head and sit up off of him. "Nothing I'm fine"

I'm just overthinking


The car pulls up to Mattia's house and I shake Kairi awake.

"Kai" I whisper. I shake him again and his eyes open widely


"We're here"

He groans and sits up as he rubs his eyes and looks out the window. I yawn and stretch my arms as Mattia unlocks the door from his side of the car and gets out. I do the same, avoiding turning to the opposite side of the sidewalk where I'm gonna possibly be met with those guys who're making their way over.

Instead, I hug Ale and Kairi, who're going back to their place, and take my bag to head inside.

Once I open the door the smell of Chinese food mixed with herbal scents fills my nose and I hear someone call out "Tia you guys home yet?"

I drop my bag at the sight of Mattia's mom and rush over to her. She grins when she sees me and outstretches her arms for a hug. " it's so good to see you bebé!" She smells like Victoria's Secret perfume

I hug her back. "I missed you so much!"

"Here let me help you put these in Tia's room" she says as she takes my handbag off the ground and gestures for me to follow her downstairs

We enter his room which is divided into areas that are: messy,clean, or okayish, and she places my bag down by the door.

"You can rest if you want. You must be tired. But if you're not then, we ordered Chinese food for you and Tia"

I smile as an "okay" response and she leaves the room. Taking my pajamas out of my bag once she's gone, I slip my top off quickly and go to roll my other shirt on when someone's cold hands touch my skin. I jump and push the person off of me only to realize it's Mattia.

He raises his hands up and smiles. But then he turns his gaze away from me. "My bad, I shouldn't have done that while you were changing"

I sigh and place my shirt on. "It's fine you can look now" i say and watch him turn back to me.

But his face turns into a frown. "Are you okay? You seem tense since the car ride"

Crazy, It's like he's read my mind

"I'm fine. I promise. I'm just overthinking stuff"

"Well tell me . I'll overthink with you" he says taking a seat on his bed and patting it so I sit down besides him. I do so, and lay my head on his shoulder

"Okay we aren't gonna do what we did before so spill" he says. He doesn't say it seriously though; it's like he wants to get me to be comfortable with him.

But I already am, I'm just nervous

I wince. "We passed by Aiden and Mar and a group of their friends and they saw me"

I feel him sigh but I don't know what that's supposed to be

"And I don't know— I don't want them to talk to me the remainder of this year. I don't wanna see them"

"And you don't have to" he begins. "I'll make sure of it. I won't let them go near you"

"But what if that doesn't work" I say looking down at the ground; when I feel his hands slip on my waist and he picks me up and places me on his lap; so that we're locking eyes only centimeters apart from each other

"Dont. Worry." He whispers. "You need to enjoy your life and stop spending it afraid. I know you've been through so so much but I just want you to be happy"

I break a smile and peck him on the lips. "Thank you" I say laying my hand on him as he massages my back in circles.

"Of course mi amor. I love you"

"I love you more" I say

A/n: how was your day? Comment and I'll reply to them <3

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