Chapter 95:

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After what felt like ages of waiting, Mattia finally arrives. I hear him jingle with the keys in the doorknob and then immediately rush downstairs. His face is red and he looks worried. He pushes his hair back so his forehead shows more. Alejandro trails behind him. Mattia rushes over to me while alejandro grabs a pair of loose sweats from the closet. He hands them to me and slips them on over my other pants. And then they sit me up on the edge of the bed.

"Dawn" Mattia crouches down near me. "Are you sure you're going into labor. You're early" his face turns into a fumbled expression which is really hard for me to read well.

"Yes! Yes just take me to the hospital!" I cry. "It hurts Mattia!"i say as another cramp kicks in

"Okay baby" he says as he wraps his arm around me and goes to help me stand.

"Bro hold up" Alejandro says, doing the same as Mattia. They bring me up the stairs as I try not to scream out from pain. They steady me inside Mattia's car and drive off to the hospital

We enter the hospital and Mattia has Alejandro stand with me as he rushes over to a nurse. I see him point over our way and then she nods; bringing over a wheelchair moments after.

"Hi Dawn lets get you settled" the lady says as she sits me down. She observes my features as if acknowledging how young I am to her. She seems Middle Aged.

"Have you had any early contractions?" She asks as she pushes the chair over towards an elevator.

I nod. "Y-yes but only mild pain. Mostly in my lower back and my waist"

She presses on a button going up to the second floor. Mattia and Alejandro watch me. I can see Mattia shaking. The phone in his hand is slowly falling out his grip.

"Well, Dawn, these contractions will last about forty seconds giving you five minute breaks. So we're gonna bring you into your room now" she says as the door opens and we move towards the second room to my left. "And then we'll get you a gown and measure your contractions until your cervix dilates and you're ready for labor"

"H-how long will that take?"

"Well it usually depends on the person. Maybe since you seem to be dilated in the early phases, about an hour"

"An hour of this pain?" I say as I hold onto my stomach.

"We can give you an epidural if you want. It's a needle that we inject into your lower back and it relieves pain, making you go into labor sooner" she frowns. "Unless you want a natural birth"

"No no give me the epidural" I say as my head begins sweating. She nods as she brings me inside the room, divided by a blue curtain. She brings me inside the opposite half. The side that you can't see if you stand In front of the entranceway.

She lifts me carefully and places me in bed as I watch her grab a blue and white gown from the closet in the corner of the area. "Turn around boys" she says and I smile as Mattia and Alejandro turn around, covering their eyes

"Ma'am I've seen her naked before" Mattia says

"Mattia!" I say

The nurse playfully shakes her head. "Oh you guys seem like fun patients"

We all begin laughing as she slips my gown on. It falls down past my knees. She places patches on my stomach and my arms and opens up a machine to my right which the wires connect to. "These are to measure your contractions and see how much you dilate with each one"

I nod.

"Oh" she says. I watch her eyebrows narrow inwards towards her nose. "It looks like you're about to have another one" I feel my cheeks redden and she looks at me and places her hand lightly on my stomach.

"Deep breaths" she says. "Inhale and exhale. Slowly"

I feel the pain emerge form from my back all the way down to my waist; leading to the bridge of my stomach

"Deep breathes" she repeats. She demonstrates it with her mouth as if it was a gesture for me to follow her actions, which I do . But the pain only gets worse.

"I can't" I say as I bite my lip to stop the pain. "Please give me the epidural"

"After this contraction" she says. "Deep breaths"

"I can't!"

"Just a few more seconds sweetie"

I tighten up my stomach until the pain begins fading. I feel the bride lift her hands off my stomach and look at the machine next to me. "You're 5cm dilated" she ties her hair up. "I'll go call the doctor for the epidural"

I nod and watch as she walks out the room. Mattia looks at me, eyes widened. He's never seen me like this. Or anyone, actually.

"Tia you good?"

He shrugs. "I'm excited but my body won't stop shaking"

"Awe" I say. "It's all gonna be okay"

The doctor had given me an epidural and right now I can't feel anything by. My entire body is number then ever . It's like any limb past my arms, don't exist. The nurse said I had another contraction causing  me to be 7cm dilated and she called the doctor to tell him we should start with the delivery.

Ale had went outside to wait until it had been done. And I could barely feel anything during the procedure. Just the light above me shines in my eyes and all I hear is "push!" But I can't really push if I don't know what I'm pushing. I can't feel the baby at all.

Everything before the injection was way worse. Thank god the nurse requested this.

"One more push!" The doctor says. I force myself to try one more time, to push the child out. Mattia had been holding onto my hand, never letting go as my hands dig into his skin.

"Mattia come here" the doctor says and Mattia stands and I hear the doctor tell him to do something but I can't make it out. I'm tired. Then, a round of applause and I see the nurse wrap something in a cloth and hand it to me. Unable to breath I hold onto what she had given me .

"Dawn" I hear Mattia's voice. I look up to see him standing directly over me, balling his eyes out. "Baby it's a girl. We had a girl" he cries as he takes one of my hands, shaking it. I look down to see what's in my arms.

"M-my... my baby?" My eyes tear up. "This is her?" I smile. "This is her" I observe her face. Her eyes are shut right now and all I hear are her screams. But her skin is paler  than ever. Unlike mine or mattias. And she's born with a head full of light brown hair. Lighten than any of ours. Her skin is soft... I have never felt such soft skin. She's perfect.

She's beautiful.

More than friends- MATTIA POLIBIO 😩😍Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant