Chapter 77:

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( holy shit this song hits different LMAO sorry I just had to say that)


"Dawn! Dawn,wake up!" catches my attention as I hear a bunch of people begin screaming at each other. My eyes slowly drift open;blurry at first and then the picture clears up. Mattia's standing over me holding onto my shoulders causing me to feel heavy, but he's too busy yelling at someone to notice I'm staring directly at him.

As I turn my face a little I notice he's yelling at Wes who's covering his face with his hands

What even happened.

"Guys she's waking up" a female voice yells out causing me to immediately feel nervous and Mattia looks back at me, shocked at first, and then he picks me up in his arms. They're shaking.

"W-why am I on the floor" I ask as I push myself off of him.

"I turned around and you just- just fainted" he says

"I saw you getting nervous when the guys started yelling and then you just fell" someone adds. I turn my face to see it's only Jenna who's sitting besides me.

I stand slowly and back away from all of them which causes the guys to looks confused.

"What?" Alejandro asks

I shake my head. "Jenna.Wes. Just go" I say

"But we still have to talk about-"

"No!" I say loudly. "Get out!" they stand as my voice gets louder and they grab their things as they walk towards the door.

"Dawn I'm sorry I just wanted to-" Jenna says quietly as she comes closer to me.

"Just leave!" I yell and she puts on her shoes and follows Wes out the door hesitantly.I shut it behind them, making sure it's locked and then start walking to the staircase when Mattia grabs my arm softly

"Hey hey hey-" he says making me look up at him and take my foot off the stairs

"I'm sorry if I made you upset-"

"No you didn't do anything" I snap and then take a breath. "I'm just overwhelmed right now. All the screaming and the yelling-"

"I'm so sorry I just- I just didn't know what to do in the moment. I was just mad "

"It's fine Mattia. I think I just need some rest"I say and begin walking up the stairs.

"Okay. A-alright, yeah" he replies

"Night Dawn" Alejandro says

"Night. See you tomorrow" Kairi adds

"Goodnight guys" I turn around. "And thanks"


The door to my room opens once a few moments after I get in bed. But it's dark and I can't see who it is. But the sound of walking comes closer and I shake nervously.

"W-who's there" I say as I sit up.

"Shh" someone says. "It's just me"


I sigh as I slowly slump into my bed under the sheets. He sits on the bed and goes under the covers and I feel him slide closer to me. He places his hand on my hips and lays his head on my shoulder,not saying anything.

I begin drifting off when his voice startled me again.

"Dawn" he whispers

"Hm?" I ask as my eyes barely open

"I love you" I hear him say

"Y-yeah thanks"I say shutting my eyes

He chuckles which makes me turn to him. "Why're you laughing?" I ask as I yawn

"Because you sound cute when you don't know what you're saying"

"Mmmm yeah I know" I reply which makes him laugh harder and pull me closer to him which makes me snap out of the drowsy trance I was in

"Baby I said I love you"he whispers

"Oh, I love you too" I say calmly. "Goodnight"

"Goodnight amor" he pecks me on the lips and massages my thigh until I fully do, fall asleep

More than friends- MATTIA POLIBIO 😩😍Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant