Chapter 26:

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I knock on the door.

"Coming!" I hear someone shout from inside. Then,with the sound of footsteps, Jenna opens the door. She rubs her arms and attempts to pull her shorts down. "Ooh I didn't know it was this cold out. Come in come in" she walks out of the doorway allowing me to enter.

"What's up?" She says as she shuts the door behind me.

"Can I stay here for the day? My moms annoying me" I rub my neck and look around. The house is empty

"Sure. Let's go to my room"


"You haven't texted me in a while" she says as she jumps onto her bed. I sit down besides her and fold my legs.

"I never got the chance to tell you but I kinda got into a car accident"

"What!" Her jaw drops and she laughs slightly . "No wayyy. When? Why didn't you call me?"

"I was with Mattia yesterday and a sanitation truck hit the car. But the impact wasn't bad so I was able to leave today"

"Oh my goddd. Are you okay?"

I lay down. "Yeah. I'm just tired of my mom. She's like a raging bitch all of a sudden"


"Because Mattia and I are dating now"

"What!" She starts squealing and starts shaking me. I feel the bed start moving and I sit up worried that it'll fall.

"Eeeeh! Yes! Yes! Finally. It's about time!"

I feel a smile spread across my face and the feeling of excitement takes over again. "I know, I'm so happy bro"

"He asked you? Or did you ask him?"

"He asked me"

"Aaaahh I'm so happy for youu. I thought your mom liked Mattia,though"

"I know. I don't know what happened"

She shrugs and then begins to turn on the t.v.

"Wait" I say. I feel like telling her everything right now. "I have something else to tell you"

"Me too. But you go first"

"It's something that's been bothering's a serious conversation"

"I'm here for you girl, just say It"

"The night a few weeks ago at Mattia's party, I was uhm..raped" I wince.

"N-no" she says softly and she inches closer and hugs me. "Oh my god are you..are you okay?" Her face saddens and she sits upright to listen.

"It was by this guy I never even talked to. I feel like maybe in some ways I deserve it? Even though I know I didn't do anything to deserve it"

"No, you don't deserve it. Who did it?"

"This guy. His name was Mar—Mariano I think?"

Her face turns pale and she scoffs. "Mariano? It can't be"

"It is. He told me his name and he approached me a few days ago In class"

"It can't be Mar, Dawn!" she lifts her hands to her face and begins yelling. "Why would it be Mar! Are you crazy?"

I start standing as I back away from her . "What the fuck Jenna! I thought you'd care that's why I told you!"

"You probably provoked it! Mar wouldn't do that" she says boldly.

"How do you know anything about him?"

"Because me and him are dating now! I like him and he likes me back!"

My face drops and my heart rate increases. "So now all of a sudden you like this asshole"

"He's not an asshole"

"And you think I am the one who fucked up? I was balling my eyes out for days and it's still bothers me!"

"Get a grip! He wouldn't do that,okay?" She sighs and covers her face. "Just get out,Dawn. Get the hell out you bitch!"

I grab my jacket and run out the room. I don't even feel like crying anymore. I don't have any tears left. I just feel like I need the biggest break of my life. How could she date him? How could she even say any of that to my face? What happened to her?

I begin walking out as I slam the outside door. I don't know where I'm going. Maybe I'm going home. Maybe I'm going back to see Mattia. I just feel like I don't belong anywhere right now

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