Chapter 98// the end

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I walk over to the closet and pull out my duffle bag. Immediately I begin to unzip it and slam the door to the nursery shut. With tears in my eyes, I pull the  drawer full of Adalyn's clothes out and remove a pile of them into the duffle bag; continuously; until all her clothes are out .

I grasp onto packages of formula and diapers we have in the closet and throw them into the bag until it's full. And then I grab a luggage from the corner of the room and throw the majority of her toys inside. Wiping my eyes; I turn the doorknob open and quietly run to my room. grabbing my duffle bag of clothes I had brought once I came to Jersey from Connecticut; I bring them up to the nursery and throw them in the luggage of Adalyn's toys. We don't have much. I left a lot behind once I moved here.

This is wrong. I shouldn't do this.

But I have to. I can't ruin Mattia's life for a child that isn't his..a-at all. 

Nighttime comes around and Mattia and I lay in his bed. His body is facing mine as I stare up at the ceiling; scared to move as I process what I'm doing.

"Dawn" he says drowsily.

"Hm?" I ask as I wipe my watering eyes. It's too dark for him to see my tears, though.

"Baby I'm tired. I'm gonna sleep, okay?" He asks as he yawns.

"Y-yeah that's fine, Mattia" he nudges his head into my neck and within minutes, I feel the tightness of his grip on my body; loosen. I look down cautiously and see that he's really in a trance.

And then I carefully sit up off the bed.

I push myself off the edge of it and stand, on my toes as I exit the bedroom and walk towards the nursery where Adalyn's sleeping. I hear her muffled breaths as I use the flash of my phone to grab a shirt and jeans from the luggage I placed my clothes in. Slipping them on, I grab a pair of pants and a shirt for Adalyn and walk towards her crib.

She moves around in her bed carelessly as I pull the clothes over her body, almost waking her. I look at my phone.


"Okay. It's okay" I whisper as I begin crying to myself. I place my socks and shoes on and places Adalyn's on as well.

I-I can't stay here. I absolutely cannot stay here like this. It's wrong. It's gonna mess everything up if Mattia realizes the truth.

I place Adalyn in the baby carrier we had bought; which secures her over my chest and go to grab the handle of my luggage when I realize I need to see Mattia again. At least to give him a h-hug or a kiss..


I-I can't.

I grip tightly onto the handle of the luggage and place the duffle bag over it, as push it out the room; with Adalyn still strapped onto me.

Walking towards the front door with tears in my eyes, I grab the handle reluctantly and turn it open. It's dark outside. Very dark. Pitch black.

I shouldn't do this

No . I-I have to. I can't stay. I-I can't

I push myself outside the door and feel the warm breeze of the air engulf my body. I peer my head inside one more time,just staring at it like I'll never see it again.

Which I know I won't.

"Mattia" I bite my lip as I whisper. "I-I'm sorry" I say before shutting the door behind me.

And then...

I left

A/n: guys I cried writing this ngl. But yes, this is the end of this book :((. But don't worry, I've already begun my sequel. It's titled R E M O R S E

And it is about their future. I won't spill too much of it but I already have it all laid out. In fact, I have the first chapter already made where the characters are introduced. You'll finally see what Dawn looks like and Wes.

I wanna thank you all so so SO much for all this. This journey was so welcoming and amazing and you all are amazing and I love you all ❤️

I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed working on it <3


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